[citation][nom]Thor[/nom]So same bullshit again.Bad 3D Engine Unreal again. But people like very fast movementAnd since same crap engine, Cheat site who sell cheat program like below:[hack sites were here] will continue to make million.And this game will be boring again since just cheater.Also just small maps and 16 players.And of course game build for console first and "translate" for PC like always.And sure they will sell 50 millions of this game again.WOW ![/citation]
And seriously, why put those websites up and have more people use them?
Hacks were actually one of the reasons I decided to not build a new gaming rig and get a PS3 back in 2007, plus I could use a mouse and keyboard on UT3. Do miss PC gaming though, but seems like it's just gotten worse mover the years not better.
I may have to deal with more kids playing console games online, but at least they aren't hackin'. Thanks for reiterating the reason why I chose to leave PC gaming behind. The extra pixels are not worth it if there are more hackers (see what I did there, I know there are hackers on consoles too). And yes yes, I know, well run servers with a lot of admins have them stopped in their tracks as soon as they get in, but I don't even want to see them, period.