Can a t-amp power a psw505 and two bookshelves?


Apr 19, 2013
This is probably a stupid question but i have a psw505 and some rtiA3's i want to hook them up to my comp. i have a soundblaster z (dont know if that matters.) was wondering if a lepai amp will do the trick or if i need more power. this sub has some kind of amp on it as well for some kind of 2.1 setup. Thanks in advance
I have a SMSL SA-S3 I have run my Polk RTi4's with no problem

the PSW505 has it's own amp the lepai will just be powering the bookshelf speakers... you are going to have a few choices...

Use the speaker level inputs (adjusting the lowpass filter as desired. (so speaker wire from lepai to psw505's speakers in then speaker wire from speakers out on sub to the rtia3's

or you could get a rca spliter and split the signal from you from you sound cards l/r front out to the lepai and sub's line in.. (this would make the RTi3A's try to go full range as you would be bypassing the lowpass filter on the sub.

or **i think...not familar with this sound card honestly** you run 3.5mm to rca to the leapai on the F L/R out and 3.5 to rca on the sound cards sub out and set the cross over stuff in the creative drivers / windows.

but blah blah blah... basically within reason you should be able to drive those speakers with the lepai... however u would want to be careful of going nutz with the volume knob as you could possibly start clipping the speakers if you tried to drive them too hard with that amp.... and of course t-amps start distorting anyways as the volume increases.

I was able to drive my RTi4 to more than sufficient levels for using at my pc desk with my smsl t-amp however.
If this is for PC Audio / near field that T-amp is more than enuff but do note if you plan to fill a medium/largish room, you'd prolly need a beefier amp unless you have extremely efficient speakers ^^