Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)
Legacy/Retro-question. I happened to inherit an old Session 8 system...
that is the original hardware interface box cabled to a Pmac8100/100.
I want to run it again. The Mac OS is 8.6. I ran the installer for
Session 8; v 1.1. Fine. Then, on reboot, the extensions icon for
load appeared , "X-ed out", with the error-message "No Drive."
(SIdenote. I have no manual).
Upon startup of the Session 8 app, the openning screen appears briefly
followed by an error dialogue message that there is no "valid drive"
recognized by Session 8.
Can anyone remember what i need to do get this app to recognize its
HD? I just assumed that it would use the internal HD that the
is on...
There is an open SCSI port available on the Powermac... Did it
need to see an externally connected SCSI drive to run or...??
Otherwise, anybody got a manual?
Legacy/Retro-question. I happened to inherit an old Session 8 system...
that is the original hardware interface box cabled to a Pmac8100/100.
I want to run it again. The Mac OS is 8.6. I ran the installer for
Session 8; v 1.1. Fine. Then, on reboot, the extensions icon for
load appeared , "X-ed out", with the error-message "No Drive."
(SIdenote. I have no manual).
Upon startup of the Session 8 app, the openning screen appears briefly
followed by an error dialogue message that there is no "valid drive"
recognized by Session 8.
Can anyone remember what i need to do get this app to recognize its
HD? I just assumed that it would use the internal HD that the
is on...
There is an open SCSI port available on the Powermac... Did it
need to see an externally connected SCSI drive to run or...??
Otherwise, anybody got a manual?