Can I connect a powered sub to a passive sub on system


Jul 13, 2017
Pioneer VSX-918Vk,2 front spkrs, 2 rear and one Polk subwoofer. I also have an extra car audio passive sub. Is there any way in this system to connect the pace? The receiver has a sub preout, a sub out and q center, in addition to speakers A, B and SS (L, R, Ctr) . Anything I can do except make it a end table?
I understand and I kind of figured. Good to have my intuition confirmed by an expert. If I may, one more question? What about using the passive sub as a simple regular speaker?
Thank you for the quick response. Much appreciated. Reckon instead I'll just use it as intended, put it in car and head back to school, 40 yrs ltr lol