Can I download The Sims 4 on a 2gb hp stream with 1tb external hard drive?


Dec 24, 2017
Can I download and play The Sims 4 from Origin on a hp stream 14” 2gb 32gb laptop with a 1tb external hard drive installed?
I think the Sims4 requires 4GB of RAM and your Stream 14 is maxed out at 2GB. Coud you play properly on a 14" screen?

Reply: Thanks for replying, I bought this laptop for my daughter for Xmas & she wants to play The Sims 4 & I thought by buying an external hard drive would make that possible 🙁 I play myself on a Lenovo pretty basic laptop 15.5 inch screen, is it not possible just to download the game straight to the external hard drive? Or would the 2gb ram always be a problem?

The external drive is of no consequence.
That 2GB RAM is the problem. And it will be a problem for other applications as well.

I am in the exact same situation with the same laptop. I got her the external hard drive today and will try it tonight, i'll let you know how it goes

Please let me know if it works. I tried to download it to a 32gb usd drive today and it won't let me so will invest in a proper external hard drive if I know it will work. I'm genuinely gutted as I didn't research the HP Stream enough and my little girl is gutted today (her birthday)
Ordinarily, I wouldn't respond to a post in such an old dead thread but I have a Stream with 32GB on board and use a 32GB SanDisk 32GB and it works perfectly. I think your problem was not to have moved the Downloads folder to the USB thumb drive.

Right click on eth Download entry in WIndows File Explorer and select Send to then choose the letter your USB drive has been allocated - probably D:\.

Any other external drive can only operate via USB so don't bother buying an extra one.