Can i play active sub woofer in my passive subwoofer home theatre system?


May 7, 2017
My HOme theatre system is sony BDV E570. It has passive sub woofer and i am not satisfied with it. I was wondering can i attach active subwoofer in it?
You can connect any self powered subwoofer to the connection that was used for a passive subwoofers.
If you get a powered subwoofer with speaker level inputs you just connect the speaker wire that was used for the passive sub to one of the two speaker level inputs (L or R doesn't matter which).
If you get a subwoofer without speaker level inputs you will need a speaker to line level converter to make the connection.


Question from Khudiram : "I am sony BDV E570 home theatre system. I want change sub woofer in it. Its ohm impedence is 3 ohm. Can i attach 4ohm upto 8 o"

Some active subs have an ACTIVE INPUT, sometimes called High Level input, that should do it, hookup directly.

If no such input you need a converter or attenuator, can be bought inexpensively, say Amazon. Search "active converter."

Now, your sub may not HAVE to be hooked up to the Sony sub's output. It maybe able to be hooked up to the Sony's L+R Preout, or Tape Out, or Monitor etc as long as the sub has its own crossover. This would be more desirable than going passive-active.
You can connect any self powered subwoofer to the connection that was used for a passive subwoofers.
If you get a powered subwoofer with speaker level inputs you just connect the speaker wire that was used for the passive sub to one of the two speaker level inputs (L or R doesn't matter which).
If you get a subwoofer without speaker level inputs you will need a speaker to line level converter to make the connection.