Can i still use these old speakers for my pc/iphone


May 11, 2012
Hello friends,
first off i'll say that i know VERY LITTLE about electronics wich is why i'm asking all of you people here!
i found these badasses lying in the attict doing nothing. i did some research and i seems like i would need a sound AMP?
however the thing that confuses me is that i have no cables for it.. i know it does not require a power source but i do need ends to plug in,right?

Sorry if this sounds/is stupid.
Thanks in advance!


Those speakers require an amplifier. If you did pickup the correct adapter to plug these into your phone / PC they would not be loud enough to hear anything.

Those speakers would require you to use a receiver, at that point then you could plug whatever you wanted into them. However for the cost of a receiver, you could buy a nice set of PC speakers to use with your PC / Phone.
Those speakers require an amplifier. If you did pickup the correct adapter to plug these into your phone / PC they would not be loud enough to hear anything.

Those speakers would require you to use a receiver, at that point then you could plug whatever you wanted into them. However for the cost of a receiver, you could buy a nice set of PC speakers to use with your PC / Phone.
^ whs - those speakers are nothing special anyway - ignore the Kenwood badge when they're quiet clearly old midi system speakers made of chipboard.
No doubt they'll still sound better than 99% of PC speakers but you'll need an amp to run them.

Are you UK or usa mate? - if your UK I have some old equipment you may be interested in.

Hey there, first of all thanks for the fast answers!
i knew that i would have to get an amplifier,i'm looking for a home audio system more then regular pc speakers.
so if i can indeed get a good set of equipment for the same price as a receiver then well,it's not really an option is it 😛
Thanks for the help!
@madmatt30 i'm from europe,Belgium