Can i upgrade my laptop ASUS A555L laptop?


Jun 19, 2015
I would like to know if i could upgrade my laptop ASUS A555L laptop for much more better graphic, ram or etc.

Any suggestion would be nice.
Thanks :)
Laptops typically can only have their RAM and storage upgraded. The GPU can almost never be upgraded and the CPU is almost never worth upgrading even if it can be upgraded.

If you are dead set upon upgrading it, you should provide specifications of your current configuration so we can see what the limit is.
If you meant A555LA...

Graphics are a no no, on basically every laptop. There are very few you can do this on, unfortunately yours is not one of them, you have onboard graphics.

CPU can be upgraded to the i7 4510U, which is the next one in line, and also the last one.

RAM can also be upgraded to a max of 8GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM.

Hope this helps!

I'm not totally dead set on my mind to fully upgrade it, I just wanna to know the best spec (RECOMMENDED) for me IF I want to upgrade it, especially for gaming.

Btw, this is the spec of my laptop.

Asus A555L Series
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70Ghz 2.40Ghz
RAM: 4.00 GB (currently useable 3.89GB)
OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1
Nvidia Geforce 820M


Thanks for the advice!
This is holding you back, with regard to gaming, Nvidia Geforce 820M

The CPU is already pretty good and the video is holding you back, upgrading the CPU might gain nothing in your gaming.

A call to ASUS would confirm the advice that the video can not be upgraded.
Basically the bottom line is with laptops, if you want to upgrade, in most cases you're better off going for a complete new one with the specs you want. Sadly, they really don't have much upgradeability...