Can i upgrade my laptop processor?


Jan 16, 2014
not sure, if they sell an i5 model that is identical with the only difference being that it has an i5 instead of an i3 (and other stuff too maybe like more RAM or bigger HDD but that stuff is irrelevant) then you could try to find the exact i5 that is in the i5 version online or locally somewhere and then install it yourself. But usually, it's not possible or not recommended. That's the price you pay with a laptop, you get portability but you lose out on customization and upgradeability



You currently have 4GB.
To get to 12, that means adding an 8GB.

Mixing RAM sticks is always a 'maybe'. It might work, it might not.
Better to go with a 2 x 8GB kit.

But still, photoshop and video editing on a laptop i3....not going to be great.



Adding an 8GB RAM to your current 4GB might work, it might not work at all.
If it works, it will be somewhat better than the current 4GB.

Replacing the existing 4GB with 2 x 8GB, giving you 16GB, would be better still
It will be somewhat better than the proposed 12GB.

But....the CPU in that laptop is still going to be a limiting factor. And that, you cannot change.