Can images on camera SD card to PC be copied back to camera and still be viewed on the camera? No luck yet.


Feb 13, 2014
I normally save my Lumix photos to my PC and then remove from camera. I recently wanted to retrieve one to my camera, to show a friend, and although it is successfully copied to the SD card, it does NOT display on the camera. It does, however, display on the PC.

I ended up taking a photo of the PC screen image, but this is not ideal.

Any suggestions gratefully received.


I have run into the same problem..I think that the camera has some kind of index table that keeps track of the pics does not use the pic's name...when we load a pic to the chip using a pc, it lacks the indexing number that would normally be given that pic by the camera...when viewed on the camera, all the images taken by the camera show up but any additional images loaded by a pc are not displayed...

Make sure you copy it to the correct directory on the card.