Can Wireless Headphones Solve GROUND LOOP/ HUMMING noise issues?


Jul 4, 2010
please share some info if you have it - will be greatly appreciated,
i just moved to a cheap office, did some small renovation/upkeep work and to my
surprise discovered i have no ground connected in the wall sockets (facepalm)!

- NOTE, i use a USB soundblaster card and the usb connection DOES NOT isolate the noise,
(it only comes from the microphone - playback audio is perfectly fine) - i do have cheap headset tho

if i can't solve the ground issue asap, which i probably won't be able to - i need to look for a temporary solution - so does anybody know if wireless headphones can solve it? or the noise could still be picked up at the usb(?) receiver end, from the pc?
(touching the pc case or ground wire in the extension lead makes the noise disappear)
i've dealt with this before in another place on the same pc and it is 100% ground, or "lack-thereof" issue.
ok found out something quite promising -
the internal stereo mic in my SB Omni Surround 5.1 sound card does not pick up the humming noise so things are allright at that end,
can't really use it for serious voip conversations tho sice it picks up everything that goes on around it like crazy, pc fans, keyboard clicking etc.
but nevertheless nice to have it as a backup,

now the only hope is that buying proper headset from a quality company will work the same way.... thinking to go wireless/bluetooth or stay with wires so i can actually use my soundcard, which would be very nice.