You are welcome. However, still worth pursuing, I think. Not willing to throw in the towel quite yet....
Scroll down the link I provided and you find the following forum exchange:
Beginning with:
the12player • a month ago
Hi! Just bought the NZXT Hue+ with the led strips + some AER RGB fans, I have a question. All my leds are connected to the Channel 1, and all my fans are connected to the Channel 2, for a strange reason, when I control my colors in my fans channel, automatically changes the colors on my LEDS aswell, is this a known bug or is an issue with the Channels on my HUE? All being setup through the CAM software under the "CUSTOM" tab.
IVANZXT the12player • a month ago
Hey there, is the "sync" function enabled?
Etc. -- scrolling down.
Question does not seem to be resolved per se but the issue seems to be the same.
Found quite a number of "how to videos" - you may find one that shows you what is necessary.
And I did note that a second Hue+ can be installed (there is a video).