venom0706 :
When I try to install game files from my PC to my Galaxy S4 Mini, it shows an error during the copying to the folder "Obb", everytime by the end of the copying.When I copy the files to the other folder ("Data") everything is fine.When I copy the files from "Data" to "Obb" from my smartphone, everything is again ok.Any suggestions what the problem might be?Thank you.
Dear Venom,
No need to worry, i have the samsung note 10,1 2014 edition and i have the same problem,
well i had the same problem.
Solution: copy the obb file in, from your computer to the ROOT of your Phone/Tablet
than get the Phone/Tablet en go to folders, there select the OBB Folder/File en pres Replace! then brouwse to the folder Android Then folder obb, and there you click place here.
now i will work!!! No root neded.
Sorry for my bad enlisch
Greetings Fernando Pieters