Solved! Cant disable Uefi on x541na

Dec 27, 2018
Hello , i cant disable from bios the uefi .
The bios recognize my usb but dont boot from the usb.

I want to install Windows 7 .
please helpme
That laptop officially supports only Windows 10-64 bit. You might get some undesired errors from time to time.
You might be able to get Windows 7 by disabling Secure Boot, and enabling CSM.
Place the Windows 7 USB and hit the Esc key and select to boot from the USB flash drive.
You could Also select to boot from the USB in the BIOS.
That laptop officially supports only Windows 10-64 bit. You might get some undesired errors from time to time.
You might be able to get Windows 7 by disabling Secure Boot, and enabling CSM.
Place the Windows 7 USB and hit the Esc key and select to boot from the USB flash drive.
You could Also select to boot from the USB in the BIOS.