Cant get into laptop bios

Aug 26, 2018
I have an Asus K72Jr which is a bit old. I have been trying a lot of things to start it but nothing works. I cant even enter bios I have tried both escape and f2 and all the other combinations of keys. Could someone help me with this?? Thanks to anyone who has any ideas about this.

You said this laptop is a bit old. Depending on the age, the little battery in the laptop may be dead. It's thin and about the size of a quarter or slightly smaller. If it's dead your BIOS can't do post. There are articles you can read about that problem. That fix costs whatever a battery that size goes for in your area. It should be obvious but may be located under the HD or memory. If you can find it, take it with you and get a replacement. It acts like the battery in a car that keeps the clock functioning.

With modern systems which came with win 8 and latter win 10
Frequently you cant interupt the startup process to get into the uefi

If you can get as far as the log in prompt you can program the system to restart and gointo the uefi
Press a shift key and click on restart icon
Follow the proceedure which varies slightly beyween 8 & 10

If you can log in there are a number of options which enable restarting & entering the uefi
Uefi is modern replacement for bios which arrived about the same time as Win 8

Mike Barnes
I've been searching for this for some time now. Others tell you to install programs and tonns of crap, go through a long list of changes you have to do, but THIS WAS PRETTY EASY! 😀
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You said this laptop is a bit old. Depending on the age, the little battery in the laptop may be dead. It's thin and about the size of a quarter or slightly smaller. If it's dead your BIOS can't do post. There are articles you can read about that problem. That fix costs whatever a battery that size goes for in your area. It should be obvious but may be located under the HD or memory. If you can find it, take it with you and get a replacement. It acts like the battery in a car that keeps the clock functioning.


did you install new windows?

Press and hold the F2 button , then click the power button. DO NOT RELEASE the F2 button until the BIOS screen display