Can't seem to get apps to download to sd card on my Digiland DL718M tablet.


Dec 1, 2015
Tried setting the default download location to my sd card on my Digiland DL718M tablet but even though the sd card shows as being my current 'default write disk' everything downloaded still goes to the internal memory of the device instead. Have tried all of the suggestions on this forum but my tablet doesn't offer the same steps as other android devices even though it is running on the current lollipop 5.1 software.

It's not available on this tablet. I was very disappointed to find that out.
Karen, I have been diligently trying to figure out how to accomplish this. Unfortunately, I haven't figured it out, and I'm about to give up. If I figure it out, I will be sure to come back and post it.

Sorry, but the dgiland is a cheap tablet and is a lot of work for them to built the tablet with the option to download games or any app. The only thing that will go to your sd card is picture and video pictures that you take with your regular picture app the tablet come with. Sorry one more time.