Cell Phones...I Just Don't Get It!!

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I pretty much shared your feelings until 9/11. I worked in NYC and was in
there that day (on 13th street). Going home, I was able to communicate with
family via my manager's blackberry but it made me realize that it just might
be a good idea to carry a cell phone. Yes I know, they were pretty much
useless that day as all the circuits were extremely jammed. However, it did
come in very handy during the blackout, which I was in the city for once
again. I do realize, though, that are some places they should be put on
silent, or turned off all together out of respect for others around. I just
wish certain people would realize this.

"kroger Bobb" <bones46@webtv.net> wrote in message
> From bones46@webtv.net
> I am all for modern technology!! If it can be done quicker and easier I
> am for it. Email and the Internet and DVR cable recording are my
> favorite technologies. But when it comes to talking on the phone all the
> time anytime I just don't get it!! Why people have this fascination to
> talk on the phone all the time is a mystery. I watch in wonder when i
> see people walking thru grocery stores and walking down the street
> talking loud about personal things so we have to hear the conversation.
> I know I will get bashed for this next observation but I think it is
> weird to see a man talking loud on the phone in public. In my family men
> were never comfortable even dialing the phone. I always thought the
> phone was invented for women. When the phone rang in my house when I was
> a child my dad and my brothers cringed when the phone rang. Now when a
> man's phone rings he seems excited. Especially when it rings silly
> music. And in public places. But when Im home and the phone rings it is
> a constant interruption. I don't like it when Im watching tv, reading or
> sleeping or even eating dinner and the phone rings.
> I remember when as a kid my dad would say "let's get out of the house
> before the phone rings". Now people take the phone with them. Why I will
> never understand.Let me end this by saying I have a cell phone and
> hardly use it. Only for emergencies and they are rare. I hope every
> body's responses will be harmless. Bob
> http://community.webtv.net/bones46/BobSeifertsWebPage0
> http://community-2.webtv.net/bones46/BobSeifertsWebPage0/scrapbookFiles/mailedD15.jpg
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

On 19 Mar 2005 in alt.cellular.verizon, Steve Sobol wrote:

> Viper wrote:
>> What would the world be like if there were no cell phones, e-mail,
>> internet,
> I'd be unemployed 😀

Wouldn't you be manufacturing buggy whips in the shop your great-
grandfather started in the 1870s?

Joe Makowiec
Email: http://makowiec.org/contact/?Joe
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Joe Makowiec wrote:

>>>What would the world be like if there were no cell phones, e-mail,
>>I'd be unemployed 😀
> Wouldn't you be manufacturing buggy whips in the shop your great-
> grandfather started in the 1870s?

My family didn't live in the USA in the 1870s. :)

JustThe.net - Apple Valley, CA - http://JustThe.net/ - 888.480.4NET (4638)
Steven J. Sobol, Geek In Charge / sjsobol@JustThe.net / PGP: 0xE3AE35ED

"The wisdom of a fool won't set you free"
--New Order, "Bizarre Love Triangle"
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 09:30:41 -0500, bones46@webtv.net (kroger Bobb)
>I know I will get bashed for this next observation but I think it is
>weird to see a man talking loud on the phone in public.

Twenty years ago only mental defectives were seen walking down the
street alone talking loudly. Now, everyone does. Such progress.

But, I guess I do not miss pay phones.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Yes NY has that law. So does Jersey, EXCEPT, it's not a primary offense. A
cop can't pull you over just for that. They have to stop you for some other
infraction and then site you for talking on the phone while driving. It's
really BS if you ask me because everyone is still talking while driving. I
even saw two different cops the other day talking while driving. The
lawmakers in this state have no backbone to pass a law that makes sense.
"T" <Vegasguy51@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 21:01:43 -0700, "Mack" <gator2@webmail.co.za>
> wrote:
> I believe that NY has had a law in place about talking on a cell phone
> while the vehicle is in motion. Only allowed if you have a hands free
> kit in the vehicle.
>>It's a multi-faceted thing. Women see certain
>>activities as important to demonstrating "who
>>they are" to those around them. Here in the
>>area where I am driving a Cadillac Escalade
>>with a cigarette in one hand and a cell-phone
>>glued to an ear and with everyone jumping
>>out of their way to save their lives, somewhat
>>qualifies. The gal I saw driving this morning
>>was all tied up in some conversation about her
>>new shade of lipstick or the cute guy at the
>>office and changed lanes cutting off all traffic.
>>How she changed lanes with no hands on the
>>wheel, no-one knows. But they were all braking
>>and swerving. No-one blew horns or complained
>>because everyone is accustomed to that. She was
>>apparently oblivious to all. Maybe a law will
>>get passed. Of course some girly boys are into
>>the gossiping over the cell also. I think that
>>cell phones should be equipped with automatic
>>disable devices when an automobile engine
>>is started. Flame--flame--flame...
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Steve Sobol wrote:
> Viper wrote:
>> What would the world be like if there were no cell phones, e-mail, internet,
> I'd be unemployed 😀

Nah, you'd have become a Mustang mechanic.