Acting like an AMD FanBoy?
:arrow: 99% of the systems I sell are Intel dude.
:arrow: Almost 100% of my CPU inventory: 16 Core 2 Duo's and 1 TL-60 X2 is Intel.
:arrow: I have extensively tested AMD chips, Turion ML and MT as well as TL X2 dual core's
:arrow: I have extensively tested Intel's Pentium-M, Core Duo and Core 2 Duo chips
:arrow: I have tested
several 5xx and 6xx Intel desktop chips
:arrow: I have tested several Athlon, X2 Dual core series desktop chips
Question killernotebook how many hours you get out of your laptop and what is your laptop?
I don't understand the question.
Do you mean," How many hours of battery life do I get out of my notebook?" Well my friend, my notebook has a 7950 GTX with 512 MB of video memory, a T7600 2.33 Ghz Core 2 Duo, and 2 - 100 gig 7,200 rpm hard drives in a RAID0 array... I wasn't really concerned with battery life when I built it.
I do have a 14.1" Kodachi system
which IS Intel that has a 9 cell 7200 mAh battery that will outlast just about anything that is unpluged on the face of the Earth.
My Pro-star Intel p4 3.4ghz extream edtion about 1.5 Hours per battery pack. But with 2 80gb hard disk. It a desktop replacement. I dont expect it to be great on battery life. But it great when power out. With 6600mAh and a spare 6600mAh Battery.
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? He already stated he didn't want anything like that because he is going to use it for roundhouse kicks. That's just the kicks you use
around the house... nothing fancy. He wants to flip the dog over and teach him a lesson when he's barking, do a little internet, some office apps, said he wasn't going to be gaming with it. If that's what you call a "
desktop replacement", I'd hate to see your desktop. I guess that is to desktop replacement what your "gaming laptop" is to mobile gaming systems.
Alainware Area 51 t7600 2.33 ghz is my gaming laptop. Right now it only has 512mb of ram and the best video card for it...
512 MB of RAM...
O-k. Oh, by the way, for those of you reading this, the "
best video card for it"is an nVidia 7600 GPU. :idea: So we have a T7600 2.33 Ghz CPU mated to an nVidia 7600 GPU, what do you see wrong with this picture? Whatever, that right there is just home grown goodness, but I don't get what this has to do with anything.
:?: I want to buy an economy car to get me to work that has good gas mileage, any idea?
:arrow: Yea, I have a Ferrari F-40 and... oh yea, I have a horse drawn carriage...
Acer Travelmate Centreno 1.66ghz shared ram. 100gb hard disk. 1 4000mAh battery pack 3.5 to 4 hours battery life. 6.6 lb
You're gonna get 4 hours of battery life out of a 4000 MAh battery? What are you a notebook battery rep? LOL That's crazy talk.
To dang0001 any low end cpu will do what you want Intel or amd If you dont want 15.4 inch monitor and go for a 14 inch. They tend to be around 2.5 to 4lb
What does the system weight have to do with his question Atol? You're entire post is shoe horning what you want to say into, well, what YOU want to say. His question is about battery life between a Centrino and a Turion, you're all over the place about 2 lb. 15.4" notebooks that don't exsist, gaming notebooks, desktop replacements, calling me an AMD fanboy and delivering what looks like complete speculation on your part.
When I said AMD is better at the low end of dual core's, say the TL-50 vs to Core 2 Duo 5xxx series there is a reason for that, that I posted. I am not being an AMD fan boy. A Turion single core WILL outperform a Pentium_M and does use less wattage, it's right there in black and white in the spec's. A TL-50 has an onboard controller chip for the memory that is factored into the power usage of the chip while Intel offloads the memory controller and it sucks its own gas! Why don't you add the two power drains together, shuckin' every memory read and write off to the Northbridge controller then to the RAM and back to come up with the
real total power consumption.
:?: In
this post you are talking about buying laptops and tearing them apart, voiding the warranty and upgrading
every component to have some half-assed system for like $500 less then a full blown rockin' system with a warranty.
:!: In
this post you're saying don't use a battery unless you need it, then... use it, and that you don't even have a freaking steady supply of electricity to wherever you live!
My view is. Use it when needed otherwise dont use the battery. I dont drive much and use it for waiting for doctors and going to a friend. Or when the power out. For my area snow tends to knock out power. So we use generators and battery backup for our house.
:idea: In
this post you have the next BIG idea for the notebook market you are going to patent - what ever happened to that? Are your evil scientist works sprawled out in their parchment glory under your candelabra lit drawing board while wax drips as you wring your hands together and deliver your maniacle laugh? Shouldn't you be getting back to that?
What in the heck is that laptop battery guide link you posted? Did you even check the WhoIs information on that? It looks like... well, it looks like whatever Atol.
After reading the very informative article links you posted, and your comments in other threads I realized you are right Atol, I am and AMD fanboy and you are a very informed individual.
Let's not forget to give Atol his hugs...