Change the Position of your Education on your LinkedIn Profile

Rearranging the order of your education and other designations is not required while using your LinkedIn profile. But if you want to customize the way your page appears to visitors, it's easy to rearrange the order with just a few mouse clicks.

Note: You can only rearrange the order of your educational qualifications and professional designations on your primary LinkedIn profile. If you have created a secondary LinkedIn profile in a different language, you won’t be able to rearrange that profile.

Here is how you can rearrange the placement of your education on your LinkedIn profile:

    ■Open your favorite web browser and sign-in to your LinkedIn account.
    ■Once you are signed in, hover mouse to the Profile menu from the menu bar at the top.
    ■From the displayed list, click Edit Profile.

    ■On the next page that opens up, left-click and hold down the button on the two-way arrow representing the category that you want to rearrange. (Education in this demonstration.)

    ■Once the mouse pointer turns to four-way arrow, drag the category up or down at your desired position.
    ■Once the category is at your preferred position, release the mouse button to drop the category at the location.

    ■Click the Done editing button from the top to save the changes and complete the process.


Note: Depending upon the location of the selected category, the category that was previously in its place will be automatically moved up or down to accommodate the modifications.