My two cents :
No one has even realy commented on the potential harm this is going to do to future products/apps/tv/ etc etc etc. Now adays damn near everything is tied to the web in some way. These companies are not only limiting there customers, in a sense they may be limiting technological progress. Think about it, things are moving to an even larger "online world" you can shop online, pay almost all bills online, date online, screw online *virtualy of course*, you name it and it can and will be done online. *with obvious exceptions*
Now , put a cap on what consumers can do... All of a sudden instead of companies trying to strive for the new and innovative. The next big thing. They will be doing so with even greater limitations on what they can do. No longer is the "sky is the limit" But the limit is the sky, or the cap if you will. All of a sudden every company has to think of how their product or service will fit into the average person internet budget of sorts.
Will billy be able to afford to watch Super X Poke Extreme Cage Match v2.0 this month? How much of his parents bandwith will it eat up? And before you now it, maybe not evenly conciously, but developers and inventors alike will be forcing themselves to think smaller. Think less quality to achieve less of a digital footprint in your monthly cap.
Would we be having this almost golden age of technology we are now, if there had been caps greater than just the level of current technology. What if we were all capped at 56k because companies refused to update with the ever growing world wide web, and the marketplace it has become? We certainly wouldent have nearly the same HD quality, and it wouldent be a stretch to say that almost all of peoples favorite toys would be mere shadows of there current selves.
Seriously, think less for what this current impact is. Think of the far greater impact this is going to have on the future of technology as we know it.