Choosing the right headset with good mic advice needed !


Nov 12, 2017
Oke guys I do own a Youtube and a Twitch channel and I used my logitech g633 headset for gaming and recording videos. For some reason the mic of the headset is not working anymore and after trying every solution I have decided that the mic is dead (warranty time had passed) so I need to buy a new one.

I searched the internet and found headsets from diffrent brands with a similiar price (comparing to g633) but I am not sure about their mic quality of the other headsets. I mean I can buy G933 which is pretty much the same hardware (its wireless) or I can go for the Steel Series and maybe some other brand.

But as I mention above I am not sure about the mic quality. Since that I am using the headset for the Youtube videos and Twitch Streams I need to be sure of the mic quality before buying anything.Having the same quality of the G633 is surely enough for me so can anyone help me pick the right product. As I said before having the same mic quality of my old headset is enough for me.

Note: I dont want to buy Logitech ever again this is the second time I broke the mic of an LG product I used to own Logitech g950 and same problem happened before speakers were fine mic didnt worked. I also dont want to buy a seperate mic for recording I am fine with headsets...
Well my G633 mic stopped working and it happened in the middle of a Twitch stream so you can understand my anger towards it (I was forced to end stream) and this is the second time I am having problems with Logitech Headset mic so I prefer not to buy their products again unless I have to.