Chrome Won't Load


Nov 20, 2015
I have AVAST Pro v.11.1.2241 and have just re-installed Chrome to the most current version. Now, when I try and open Chrome, the program opens two tabs then will not load either, showing a "Page Unresponsive" error message. I think AVAST is blocking it but cannot figure out how to allow the program to function. Super frustrating. Please help.
I would guess that Avast is not the problem here but can't say for certain.

Is your OS Windows 10? If so this is likely the problem as Chrome seems to be having major problems on this OS. Some people are reporting that they are now using Chrome canary and this is working on Windows 10 but others are reporting they are also having problems with canary.

The only solution I have found that works is to use either Firefox or Edge for the time being.
No, I am NOT using Windows 10 on this machine yet. I'm using windows 7. Something is blocking Chromes access to the internet, but I can't figure out what it is. I have considered upgrading to Windows 10, but haven't had the time to do so yet and want to make sure all of my programs will work in Windows 10 as well.
You can try disabling web shield in Avast and then try and open chrome again. If it works then you know that it was the web shield in Avast causing the problem.

If web shield is the cause of the problem I would suggest adding the websites from your startup tabs to the exclusion list in avast and then restarting web shield as this is a good security tool.


Ok. So, this morning I tried a couple of things. Turned off Websheild in AVAST and had same problem. Upon opening Chrome this morning however, both tabs open as previous, but one tab hits Google, the page I have set as HOME. This tabs address is, Doesn't look like a normal address to me...any suggestions?
The fact that the URL is https and from personal experience I would say that is a legit google URL.

Am I right in saying that Chrome is now opening but only 1 tab is loading?

Out of interest what is the URL that is not loading?

You can check your firewall as well to see if that is blocking anything.


Well, yes, two tabs are opened and on one occasion this morning the tab I referenced earlier opened, but now, tabs load randomly, but usully neither ta will load. The tab that did not load earlier was the Google home page I can check the firewall ( I assume you are talking the Windows firewall) but need instructions on doing so.
This should show you how to check if google chrome is blocked by windows firewall:

If this does not resolve issue download WIndows Repair tool from:

Complete steps 1-5 and then run the repairs. THis will fix any issue with your system files and repair common network problems.