Solved! Classical ringtones to mac


Jul 4, 2010
I have a Mac and an iphone 3G S. I would like to find classical music ringtones. Specifically, solo violin.
It is the easiest for me to hear. I do not want to subscribe to a site. I found the Classical music archive
site. The music offered is complete works or individual cuts, not ringtones. Can anyone help??
Thank you
John C.
So you have a Mac. you can do this easily.
1. Get the music that you want.
2. Open garage band, start a new project.
3. Drag music file into gragge band work place
4. Go to the top where the tabs are and select create ringtone ( you will now have a yellow bar on the top garage band window. (that is how long your ring tone is. You can lengthen it if you want or shorten it.
5. Splice the music to fit in yellow bar area
6. save as rington,
7. Automatically goes into itunes.

I have not worked on my mac in around 5 months so this is the basic layout. Hope this helps.


Feb 12, 2009
So you have a Mac. you can do this easily.
1. Get the music that you want.
2. Open garage band, start a new project.
3. Drag music file into gragge band work place
4. Go to the top where the tabs are and select create ringtone ( you will now have a yellow bar on the top garage band window. (that is how long your ring tone is. You can lengthen it if you want or shorten it.
5. Splice the music to fit in yellow bar area
6. save as rington,
7. Automatically goes into itunes.

I have not worked on my mac in around 5 months so this is the basic layout. Hope this helps.