Cleaning ps3 lens


Nov 30, 2016
We are heavy smokers in my house. And my ps3 won't read my games anymore. It'll read but don't load or freeze or read and freeze or just won't load. I seen one message about opening n cleaning with a q-tip. Does anyone agree with that or have any better solutions? Thanks 4 ur help in advance it's appreciated being I don't have the money to take it to get fixed. :) Jennifer R
You can try cleaning it. Obviously I would think your warranty is over now. I'll tell you though from fixing probably over 1000 PS3's during my day, cleaning the laser fixed maybe a few of them. The majority were dead/dying lasers, etc.


What model number is your PS3?

You can try cleaning it. Obviously I would think your warranty is over now. I'll tell you though from fixing probably over 1000 PS3's during my day, cleaning the laser fixed maybe a few of them. The majority were dead/dying lasers, etc.


What model number is your PS3?
