Cleveland Smart Bins to Rat Out the Non-Recycler

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"Dad, what started the second American Civil War?"

"Well, son, it all started when city officials in Cleveland wanted to cram RFID tags into the butts of citizens to ensure they were eating their vegetables..."
Or you cold buy this machine and start making your own gas mixture and cut the man out of taxes on your gas a little and stick it to them like they are us...

My freind showed me this the other day and I thought it was a really good idea. How much you want to bet we haven't heard about it yet because the man wants to make their money off of it some how and they haven't got that part down or figured out yet.
[citation][nom]CaffeineCarl[/nom]Last line tells me all I need to know. Want to lower your taxes? Recycle just 55% of all your garbage and the remainder of the pickup is essentially free. Recycle even more and maybe the city can afford to buy some new amenities for a nearby park. This only makes perfect sense.[/citation]

In Cleveland, it would be recycle 100% of your garbage, and they will raise garbage fees because they make more money skimming off garbage collection than they do recycling.

But, every one is missing the point. You see, even with all the taxes, lousy schools, and general idiocy in Cleveland government, people still live and work there. This is another step towards fixing this, so Cleveland can finally be a paradise for ghosts.
I think a good emp would solve the RFID chip problem. Fried circuits.
At my condo here in South Florida we have 3 recycling cans that line the back side of the dumpster, 2 for bottles and cans and 1 for paper and cardboard. There are 4 dumpsters in my neighborhood, but unless you take your garbage out the day they come pick it up the recycling bins are completely full. Its like there are people with 25 cases of empty beer bottles waiting for the garbage men to leave just to fill it up. We just throw everything in the dumpster. But they would have to dig through the dumpster and comb through our bags to find out who is dumping what. And with all the little bags of dog crap in my garbage that's a Category A Hazmat kind of job.
[citation][nom]CaffeineCarl[/nom]Last line tells me all I need to know. Want to lower your taxes? Recycle just 55% of all your garbage and the remainder of the pickup is essentially free. Recycle even more and maybe the city can afford to buy some new amenities for a nearby park. This only makes perfect sense.[/citation]
Yeah, that would make perfect sense if government operated under the same laws of common sense that the rest of us do. But we all know that isn't the case. When have you every known the government to do with less? The government spends and spends and spends, and then acts like it's our civic duty to pay for their spree. When they even discuss tax cuts, it is always framed within the context of how much it will cost the government. That right there tells you all you need to know. They consider all of the money to be theirs... they are just magnanimous enough to let us keep some for ourselves. I am sick to death of this nanny-state bullshit!
dont recycle much do we, you can easily move from a 50 gallon trash container to a 30 gallon trash container just by recycling more, where i live that's almost a $20 reduction in service cost

landfills are rapidly filling up, so we either pay a hell lot more for trash service or open a landfill in your neighborhood. Recycling more seems a reasonable option
Let me count the ways to defeat the system
1) Leave them emptied bins out for the snowplows to smash
2) Take an old HDD magnet out and wipe it across anything magnetic/electronic looking
3) Conveniently leave the bins out on a windy day for passing cars to oops! Accidentally hit
4) Put the bins in the trash

i love to hate enviroMENTALists, they send out thousands of big inefficient monster trucks just to run 50+miles every day to pick up reusable trash, some one tell these enviroMENTAList that the big part of the pollution is in the starting and stopping acceleration in a vehicle. Let them see that 150k stops per day looks like in smog. Save the planet kill an enviroMENTAList should be the best recycling policy to date, can't wait for that law to get passed .
i see better solutions to this just in the reader comments. Cleveland is running such a huge scam. You could be fined $100 for not recycling yet it cost $30 per ton $26 of which they make back on the recycling. So at 52 weeks x $100 and you start seeing copper is the only thing worth recycling after you put a bullet in each city council member’s head.
NY, Maine, Mich., Conn., Iowa all have much better programs in place, but that's not to say it can't be improved upon, the deposit system that is placed on aluminum cans and plastic 2 liters. Why not A) increase the garbage fees with a tax that goes to pay for battery disposal only B) create and increase the deposit and expand it to all materials you want recycled C) make it law for retailers to have the recycling dumpster at all the businesses (grocers, auto parts, electronics stores etc.) since they are selling the junk that needs to be recycled. D) A conveyor belt for the dump trucks to unload on and get the trash sorted (i.e. the magnet crane at auto junk yards, things like that for most metals) E) we have people sitting on their duff's in prison, what better way to curb them and other from going to jail then to have them sort out the trash, sure some of them will find a loaded gun/knives/sharp objects, and try to kill each other/prison guards and use the various materials they found to try and escape. There are ways and security measures to curb that behavior also.

So many better ways, govt.' can't run businesses because they fail tremendously every time they try due to their greed and inefficiency.
I recycle all the time and have no mandate. I am charged by the bag with trash. So for me if I have a bin for recycling that is one less bag that I need. Recycling of course is free for me. So I am forced to recycle and there is no mandate. Just make the lazy pay. When it hits the pocket book people pick their head up.
[citation][nom]truehighroller[/nom]Or you cold buy this machine and start making your own gas mixture and cut the man out of taxes on your gas a little and stick it to them like they are us... [...] r_embeddedMy freind showed me this the other day and I thought it was a really good idea. How much you want to bet we haven't heard about it yet because the man wants to make their money off of it some how and they haven't got that part down or figured out yet.[/citation]
[citation][nom]truehighroller[/nom]Or you cold buy this machine and start making your own gas mixture and cut the man out of taxes on your gas a little and stick it to them like they are us... [...] r_embeddedMy freind showed me this the other day and I thought it was a really good idea. How much you want to bet we haven't heard about it yet because the man wants to make their money off of it some how and they haven't got that part down or figured out yet.[/citation]

What would you save by doing that to plastic on a small scale. Nothing. You would use alot of electricity to keep the plastic at 367degrees Celsius. No thanks. I will let the government do it on a large scale.
Los Angeles has had automated trash trucks for years and recycle bins are free. So u save money by recycling. Very easy except now we have Mexicans picking through the blue bins every Friday morning pulling out all the cans and bottles because you pay crv in California. If they would ban that we would have a perfect trash system.
What they need to do is stuff like Waste Management specifically does. They just sort the crap out of the trash and recycle most of it. Is this concept really so fracking hard? Sort it after and then you get 100% of everything going where it's supposed to go. No need for people to attempt to pre-sort and possibly mess up or just being to lazy to bother.

In my area they have widened what they accept by quite alot for recycling, and have literally handed out bins for it, (where before you had to pay for the privilege) they almost need regular garbage can sized things for just how much they allow to be recycled. We are using our last companies recycle bin along with the new one. They're both generally overflowing. Even with that I know not everything they take ends up going that way.

Then you can go another step beyond once everything that can be recycled is and everything that can be burned is burned to make electricity. At that point there is no real waste.

After that go one step beyond and start mining old landfills and do the same stuff to them. I bet there be plenty of aluminum and glass in such places. Plenty of gold from when more was used in older computers, etc.

Any kind of process innovation or anything will only be marginally useful in comparison to such sweeping changes. Even if you can turn all plastic into some sort of burnable fuel you still have the problem of getting your new input to you. In this case that input would be plastic trash of some sort, and with presorted bins you will always have a limited flow.
Addressing that thing from cracked about recycling:

The first part is totally true. Georgia Pacific the paper company has their own private forests. When one part is ready for harvesting and would normally be inaccessible they literally helicopter it out and then replant it all. (That's when it's cheaper to cut stuff down than to just buy on the open market anyway) So that's pretty much sustainable already, the only time stuff goes down and stays that way are when people are building stuff.

As far as just chopping down forests goes that's mostly slash-and-burn farming in rainforests that fits the description, but it isn't even done for being after the wood in the first place.

The next part extrapolates very far into the future and there's no way to know what will really happen in the next thousand years. Especially if it all ends in 2012 anyway...

The next part goes to managing the before and after and all the new trucks and oversight and whatnot that's required to pull this off in the current fashion. In the manner I was suggesting at least half of it would be unneeded. This is since it would be sorted then picked up by the people who are buying it for recycling. Especially for things like aluminum it's just much easier to mess with the existing stuff than make new as far as the actual processing of the new product is concerned.

As far as the coffee mug goes I think I'll take the thirty seconds to wash it by hand personally. Water is not a finite resource no matter how much they seem to want to stress water usage. As far as water cost to us goes, the less we use the more the rates will be raised.
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