Coaxle Cable/DTV Question

Uncle Devin

Apr 5, 2016
I recently got rid of cable and installed an antenna in my attic. I have a TV on three floors (basement, first and second floors). I am using an internal antenna for the 1st floor and the attic antenna for the TV on the 2nd floor. Using a splitter, I ran a cable to the basement TV and at first got over 40 channels. A few hours later, I could only get 6 channels in the basement, but was still getting over 40 on the 2nd floor. I am also using a distribution splitter to get a stronger signal, but still getting less that 6 channels. I was using a 50 coaxle cable that I just brought from Home Depot. Is there a reason why the stations in the basement went away? Is there a better type of cable i should be using?
I didn't need to because the splitter I'm using only has two outputs and both are being used. One for the 2nd floor TV and the other for the basement tv. (I would love to learn how to terminate one of the ports for future reference.)

I just reconnected the cable from the splitter to the TV in the basement and, once again, I get 44 channels. This will usually last for about a couple of hours and then it will only recognize 6 or less channels, while I have no problems with the TV on the 2nd floor. So baffling!
P.S., I found an excellent article on how to terminate, in case there are others like me who didn't know how to terminate an empty port:!.