As long as providers have what amounts to essentially a legal monopoly on service, they should be considered utilities. I really have no comparable option for broadband service. Sure I could get the phone company's DSL but it is significantly slower and wouldn't suit my needs. There is only one cable company, and they abuse this knowledge and their legal monopoly by increasing their prices in excess of inflation, providing me 'services' I didn't ask for but can not remove, and that are part of the increased cost.. and now they want to limit my access to data.
I commented elsewhere but its about time we as American Voters started telling our representatives it is 'We the People!' not 'We the legal entity defined by a corporate charter' and that this government should be designed to benefit the PEOPLE and not the incorporations.
This of course is a pipe dream, because most Americans have deluded themselves into thinking this current situation is beneficial to themselves as they have some thought they'll actually one day be part of the capitalist class and able to exploit their way to great wealth.
tsk tsk tsk.