(Complex PS3) input TOSLINK onboard soundcard -> Output Z-10 USB


Feb 2, 2009
I am thinking about buying a PS3 when Street Fighter 4 lands in Febr and would like to use my Logitech Z-10 speakers which are connected to the PC via USB.

I know i can connect the PS3 to the Z-10 by using a splitter in the headphone jack, but i would like to employ a better solution.

I have a PC running on an IP35 mobo from Abit which conveniently has optical input and output on the integrated soundcard.

My hypothesis is that i could possibly use a TOSLINK cable from the PS3 into the motherboard as input, then use the Z-10 as output.
But is it possible to use one soundcard for input and a DIFFERENT one as output?

If so it would look something like this:

PS3--->toslink--->IP35 as input, --->USB---->Z-10 speakers

Anyone knows if this is possible?

Many thanks in advance :)
Thanks Rexter, yes the Ip35 has optical input indeed as i said in my post.
Could you please elaborate on which options to tick off in windows XP as i can only see choose a sound playback under sounds and audio devices in the control panel.
There is no way for me to choose input device and output device seperately.

I hope you could give some more details, many thanks :)
You can't find it at Windows XP Programs.

It should be at Realtek Device Manager.

You should open Windows Folder and double click realtek.exe or something like RtHDVCpl.exe = Realtek High Defination Control Panel executable.

From there there would be and option to select analog or digital. If the file is not there then download the driver and program here: http://www.abit.com.tw/page/en/download/download_driver_detail.php?pFILE_TYPE=Driver&pMAIN_TYPE=Motherboard&pTITLE_ON_SCREEN=IP35&pSOCKET_TYPE=LGA775

The drivers is about 8 Mb or more and the Program is about 15 Mb or more so the files should be from 25 MB and up.
Thanks Rexter for reply.
I checked out if it worked with the program you recommended and it worked.
I hooked off for passthrough in the program under input for the optical and the sound came through my usb speakers.

It worked on my PS2.
It worked on the menu of PS3 and playing CDs from the PS3.
But when i started Street Fighter 4, no sound came through at all. I fiddled with the various kHz options and whatnot, even tried Asio4All and switched options. Everything. But it did not work when i loaded the game.

Do you have any idea about this?

In the meantime i am forced to use the analogue out from PS3, then to a mini jack converter, then into the back of my logitech z-10 speakers. But dammit, i wantz optical out sound :fou:
in audio options on the PS3 i have it set to toslink (optical).

Under video settings--> BD optical out sound settings i can choose between bitstream or LPCM.
I have tried either and i did not get sound, there was still sound in the menus.

I have tried to take the optical out cable directly from the PS3 to a DAC i have (Yulong Audio Crystal DAC) and it works perfectly.

I didnt think the BD optical out setting under video setting had anything to do with it since it was under BD and i thought BD was only applicable for watching Blu-Ray movies.

Do you have any other suggestions, or could it possibly be your solution is correct but i am still not able to do it correctly due to my lack of skills with hifi stuff?

Many thanks for your help so far Rextar.
I thinking it might be your PC audio output settings,

Try to set PS3 audio settings: Settings - Sound Settings - Audio Output Settings - Digital Out (Optical) - Select output format supported.

Your PC Realtek Digital output properties must be set to correspond with PS3 settings.

If the setup is still unsuccessful then maybe the realtek audio chip can't handle the complex settings you're trying to accomplish. Because your Z10 is only stereo, it might not downmix Street Fighter 4 audio, if it's a multichannel game. Check if Logitech have a program that'll set yourZ10's USB audio output.

Hi Rexter i have been doing some searching into what might be the problem and i think i have found the culprit, however the solution still eludes me.

When i first had the all of the options hooked like AAC, 5.1 under Sound Settings - Audio Output Settings - Digital Out (Optical) - Select output format supported the pic below shows what happend.
Realtek shows it was AC3 and no copy. No copy i think means that it is no copyright is there for some strange reason so it can not play it.

I did download an AC3 sound file from http://www.diatonis.com/downloads_dts_ac3.html just to see if i could play it, which i could.
This pic is from within SF4.


Here on the second pic below we see that it is copy free. The pic is from when im inside the PS3 menu, and there i have sound. So it seems only when i have copy free i can get sound.


Do you have any ideas to remove this "copy protection" over toslink when the game starts?

Thanks alot for your continued help 😀

Here on the third pic below we have PCM sound, but no copy, so i can not get any sound.
This is inside SF4 with only PCM sound choices hooked off.



I knew I sent reply but apearantly it didn't went through. Anyway, Have you tried spdif pass through? I'm just wondering if your Z-10 will pick up the signal and decode it instead; or do you only get sound through? Check if you can find an update driver for your sound chip?

Hi rexter,

Thanks for your continued support.
I have tried all the different options but this mysterious "No Copy" comes up and all i hear sometimes is static noise.

I have tried to google about this but nothing shows up, ive even asked some people in hifi stores and they have never heard about it. I didnt know that my solution of taking optical sound through my pc was this exotic, lol.

Unfortunately I don't have SPDIF input on my onboard sound chip to test and my SoundBlaster external box that has FPDIF input isn't even hook up and don't want to hook it up.... to make the story short I don't want the hassle of dealing with it right now. My system is working fine the way I wanted it so I leave it alone.

Try playing DVD if it has audio and try Blu-ray and its HD audio if it'll works too.

If movies works then I think it's the digital content of the PS3 games is copy protected or cannot be read by the PC or it's lock due to wrong code.

What display do you connect the PS3 to, and what kind of connection? Because if you connect it to a TV by HDMI, you can use the TV audio pre-output to the PC Auxiliary In, then divert the sound to USB speakers. This might work. Just remember to switch the audio settings on your PS3.