I'm considering this laptop from Costco. It's on sale in their coupon book and I could pick it up soon. I'm wondering if it's that great of a deal. Also wondering what people think of the quality.
Costco will give a 4 year warranty for free for being a member. It's not a full damage protection warranty, but it'll cover malfunctions. Basically like an extended manufacturer's warranty with some benefits.
My college said I dont need an insanely powerful "gaming" machine to use the programs I'd use for CPE. I'm just thinking in terms of getting a solid laptop for school and if it can play a few games on the side then thats just an added benefit.

I'm considering this laptop from Costco. It's on sale in their coupon book and I could pick it up soon. I'm wondering if it's that great of a deal. Also wondering what people think of the quality.
Costco will give a 4 year warranty for free for being a member. It's not a full damage protection warranty, but it'll cover malfunctions. Basically like an extended manufacturer's warranty with some benefits.
My college said I dont need an insanely powerful "gaming" machine to use the programs I'd use for CPE. I'm just thinking in terms of getting a solid laptop for school and if it can play a few games on the side then thats just an added benefit.