Solved! Computer/receiver wont operate together

Jul 5, 2019
Very strange issue here: I have used this set up many times and never had an issue; just moved and upon set up, I can no longer get picture/sound from my computer. I use a receiver and run my computer, cable, and DVD player thru the receiver and then into the tv. Both the DVD and cable work with picture/sound/etc but not the computer... when I turn the computer on the very first loading screen comes on but then it goes black with the following error message:

No Signal - Receiver HDMI 1 - this source is already set as a speaker, please select source below and select a connected source.

Like I said everything is hooked up correct, dvd player and cable both work just fine. I have tried multiple HDMI cords in hopes it was just a bad cord (including the cord that works with the cable) and still nothing. Anyone have any thoughts /ideas on how to fix this?
Which receiver is it?

Select the source HDMI 1 as PC or input device in the receiver

Is the HDMI set correctly in the menu of the receiver?

Did you change the HDMI ports between the cable, DVD and computer?

Did you try the HDMI port of the cable/DVD with the PC?
Jul 5, 2019
It's a denon receiver. I tried swapping the hdmis around and the cable worked in every slot but the computer gave the same message in every slot. Hdmi was set correctly in the receiver menu. All slots were set to hdmi.
Jul 5, 2019
3840x2160, 60hz, its connected to the correct port on the computer. Works when directly in the tv/monitor. Also initial load screen starts up when connected to receiver then goes black then switches to that error message about source already set as a speaker. I have basically given up and am running optical to receiver... not ideal but works ok