Concerned with watt of power

Landcruiser series

Oct 27, 2015
So if I've bought a 400 watt amp and plan to buy two 200 watt speakers will that work. I'm concerned with the fact that the speakers produce 350 peak power. So 2 times 350 is 700 watts of power and my amp is only 400 watts. So does that mean the speakers won't work at peak power?

So I am now looking at cadence 6.5 two way speakers for $140 and I've got a pioneer 400 watt amp and the speakers say "RMS power handling 65 watt per speaker and peak power rating it 200 watt per speaker"
So will that be a good combo or not

You don't quite understand the speaker wattage rating. They speakers don't "produce" the power, that is the rating for the input from the amplifier.

If you turn up your 400 watt amplifier to full power, and get speakers to match, you will likely be bleeding from your ears after your eardrums rupture if you are in the same room as the speakers, and you will be getting calls from the neighbors two streets away. Don't worry too much about the max...

You don't quite understand the speaker wattage rating. They speakers don't "produce" the power, that is the rating for the input from the amplifier.

If you turn up your 400 watt amplifier to full power, and get speakers to match, you will likely be bleeding from your ears after your eardrums rupture if you are in the same room as the speakers, and you will be getting calls from the neighbors two streets away. Don't worry too much about the max rating.

I suggest you do a bit more research on audio equipment before buying something, maybe post exactly what you want to get this for and your budget.
in the old days when i was buying these types of things, i made the mistake once of buying an amp that was overpowered for the speaker. was having a great day and really got into the music and turned it up too loud and blew my speakers 🙁 my amp was about 150w stronger than the speakers could handle if i recall correctly.

since then i always made sure to keep the amp a bit weaker than my speakers to ensure i did not do it again. i'd suggest you keep the max amp power below the continuous power rating of the speakers. in this case, i'd say the 400w amp is just about right for 2 x 200w speakers. this way, you won't get careless like i did and blow them nice new speakers all out of wack. you can safely crank it to 10 and only have to worry about your neighbors complaining..........

I can blow a 200RMS speaker with a 50 watt amp, that's very easy to do.

@OP: As long as there's no distortion, you're...mostly fine. Large impedance mismatching can shorten the life of the amp though.