Considering a series 2 Tivo + TyStudio questions



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Right now I've got a Philips HDR312 unit with the cache card and TurboNet
boards, and a 7200 RPM 250 gigabyte drive - all working great. I extract video
streams with TyStudio and edit them with Vegas and burn them to DVD - for things
I want to save, of course.

There are two things I want that my HDR312 doesn't do well:

1) Responsiveness. Even with the cache card it's still a slug when responding to
UI requests - oddball pauses/hangs, etc... and it's prone to the occasional
lockup. I've played with the series 2 and it's noticeably faster.

2) Network transfers are slow - roughly 1 megabyte a second off the Tivo. My
TurboNet board is only 10 megabit per second and I am getting near thoretical
for that.

So I'm curious what my options are here to upgrade to another Tivo. I'm thinking
a series 2 might be in order, but it sounds to me like the series 2 doesn't have
built in ethernet - is this the case? I can't find a picture, and the Tivo web
site doesn't indicate if it does, but I do see references to USB 1.1 ethernet
adapters (which just means it's about the same speed as what I'm seeing already
when the 1.4 megabit/sec connection is taken into account).

Do I have the best setup for what I'm doing? Any other alternatives you think I
should consider? Thanks!

Archived from groups: (More info?)

In article <>,
Neil Bradley <> wrote:

> Right now I've got a Philips HDR312 unit with the cache card and TurboNet
> boards, and a 7200 RPM 250 gigabyte drive - all working great. I extract
> video
> streams with TyStudio and edit them with Vegas and burn them to DVD - for
> things
> I want to save, of course.
> There are two things I want that my HDR312 doesn't do well:
> 1) Responsiveness. Even with the cache card it's still a slug when responding
> to
> UI requests - oddball pauses/hangs, etc... and it's prone to the occasional
> lockup. I've played with the series 2 and it's noticeably faster.
> 2) Network transfers are slow - roughly 1 megabyte a second off the Tivo. My
> TurboNet board is only 10 megabit per second and I am getting near thoretical
> for that.

With a hacked Series 2 using USB 2.0, you may get transfer rates of
approx 1.7 MBps.

> So I'm curious what my options are here to upgrade to another Tivo. I'm
> thinking
> a series 2 might be in order, but it sounds to me like the series 2 doesn't
> have
> built in ethernet - is this the case? I can't find a picture, and the Tivo
> web
> site doesn't indicate if it does, but I do see references to USB 1.1 ethernet
> adapters (which just means it's about the same speed as what I'm seeing
> already
> when the 1.4 megabit/sec connection is taken into account).
> Do I have the best setup for what I'm doing? Any other alternatives you think
> I
> should consider? Thanks!