Constant FPS drop on new laptop

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Jan 6, 2018
Hello, thank you for clicking in this thread, recently i bought a MSI GL63-8RC laptop, it has spec as listed below:
- Intel Core i5 8300H
- GTX 1050 with 4GB of Vram
- 8GB of single stick ram
- Windows 10 with latest update
- 1 Tb of HDD
The problem is at seemingly random interval, the fps dropped quite significantly usually from 60-80 all the way to 20 fps, one of the example when i play GTA 5 on 1600 x 900 on high setting, when in town or densely populated area it ran smoothly but when in forest or grassy area it always stutter and from that point forward it always stutter on all area, why does this happen? I already tried:
1. Roll the driver to previous version (doesn't do the trick)
2. Limit the fps 60 (doesn't work)
Man, this is really frustating, my laptop is barely 1 year old. Please help me! Thanks in advance.

sorry for the late answer, the temperature seems to be bouncing around 75-85 celcius. alright it seems the frame drops was Definitely caused by the gpu usage dropping significantly after the first frame drop
Yeah an undervolt will bring down your temps. You may need to down clock as well...find the sweet spot tinkering with both where you can boost 100% of the time or close so you get the max frequency out of your GPU and help stabilize frame rates.

Update: Not good, i managed to drop the temperature of CPU and GPU to 60 celsius but it still throttling. What should i do?

Update Update: just dropped my temperature to 50 celsius, the frame drop is still happening, the GPU usage definitely drops, and it seems for no reason, temperature surely wasn't the case...

Go to nVIDIA Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Power Management

Then ensure it is not set to Optimal but rather Adaptive.

Optimal sets your GPU Clock speeds @ 0MHz. when there's nothing drawing on the screen for better battery life and on paper, is supposed to ramp up the clock speeds to full when something is happening. Sounds great on paper, but doesn't work as it should and is often the number one reason why people get stuttering or performance issues like you mentioned.

Set it to adaptive which basically means your GPU will operate at a lower clock speed in order to not heat up unnecessarily but it should properly go into full boost once you're in a game or benchmark.

After setting it to adaptive, reboot your laptop for the new clock speeds to take effect.
okay, it seems changing the power management to Adaptive mitigate the issue, it still present but smoothed out. This is really cool. And one thing, this problem started to show up after i try to mix 2 different ram, and kept showing up since. Do you think the drops happen as the result of that?
You mixed different ram? Never mix and match ram. It is always a bad idea. Best case scenario is it works in mixed mode with a hefty performance penalty or worst case you system won't boot at all. I wish you had shared this fact sooner. The only fool proof way to make sure ram runs properly with another stick is to buy a kit (dual or quad depending on how many sticks you need) and only use the new stuff. In a pinch you can buy the exact same make and model ram but all numbers much match up...ram speed, CL, CMD rate and even then it may not work because vendors are known to switch the type of ram chips in the same make and model do to supply/demand/cost. This is why the only fool proof way is buy all new ram. Me personally I tend to go same make and model ram understanding I may have to return it or replace the ram I have if it doesn't work. So your homework is to remove the new ram (or old ram if the capacity/speed is lesser). Tell us how your system runs then.

Well, yeah i made a bad mistake. Currently im using Single Channel 8GB as listed in the specs list on top, my system still stutter now and then, but it was mitigated by @ultra_male suggestion that i changed my power management to Adaptive. The frame drop still persist but not that often.
1 month ago im making a decision that using 2 stick of different ram was a good idea, today i just find out that motherboard Can make some adjustment automatically to make mismatched Ram work, probably using the slowest ram speed possible. Probably if i reset this config i can fix the problem? does that make sense? if so, how can i do this?

Maybe but you're unlikely to get to surpass the lowest end sticks's specs. Your best bet from a performance standpoint is getting new matching ram or living without one of the sticks you have now. Because even in mixed mode it doesn't just run at the slowest ram speed, voltage and CL rating. The sticks could still boot but do to compatibility issues that will likely crop up you'll still have host of other performance issues beyond just running at slower speed. It really is a head ache not worth having IMHO.
UPDATE: The issue was caused by Standby Memory not clearing up, because of course, windows 10. I FIXED the issue using EmptyStandbyList

UPDATE UPDATE: Issue hasn't really fixed, turns out it happened again. I feel really defeated
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