Consumer Watchdog Goes After iPad's 'Misleading' 4G Label

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The question always is, when you get into big cities at peak usage times. How much 4G speed will you even experience in the US? Too much of our bandwidth speeds are based on unrealistic tests without a lot of saturation of users. Just like your home WiFi router might be capable of 300mbps. Does not mean with 10 devices accessing it they will all get that speed. I for one am waiting for the law suits to come around claiming they are not getting the speeds advertised.
Why are there so many different mobile phone network standards all over the world? Can't they decide on a single standard?
Who profits from this?

[citation][nom]timbozero[/nom]The EU Commission are sitting back and ignoring this yet they went after Microsoft for IE being the only browser in Windows ????[/citation]

The difference is that Microsoft has a monopoly on desktop operating systems and has to fear no serious competition. There are plenty of other tablets you could buy instead of an iPad, but the normal consumer has no choice but to use Windows on his computer.
(Mac OS X isn't a choice because it only comes bundled with a very limited choice of high priced hardware and Linux isn't really a choice for the vast majority of consumers and there are very few pre-installed Linux machines on the market.)
4G is simply an enhancement of 3G, no company is following this particular 4G standard:

Peak data rates of up to approximately 100 Mbit/s for high mobility such as mobile access and up to approximately 1 Gbit/s for low mobility such as nomadic/local wireless access.

You're lucky if your data plan is even HALF of the bandwidth.
[citation][nom]southernshark[/nom]Of course 4G in the USA is slower than the rest of the world. The USA is rapidly becoming a 3d world failed state and will join the rest of Latin America in abject failuredom.[/citation]

I'm from Argentina, believe me, USA has a very long way to go before it becomes some latin america epic fail.
USA common problems:
"Damn, this 4g works like crap, i don't know why am i paying for this"
"I'm just tired of buying DLCs that should be included in the price of the game"
L. America problems:
"Sh*t, public transportation will cost 115% MORE since next week"
"This president is just destroying the country at a rate no other human would
be capable of" ---------> re-elected for 4 more years....(Facepalm)

Louis CK related bit :) --->

"The major issue with Apple products in the UK isn't the quality or the brand name nor is it the problem of the 4G debacle. The problem is that it sells here for £399 which is $637. How on Earth do Apple justify us paying an extra $138 for 'shipping and tax' ?"

"You can be critical of Apple for many things, but you can't blame Apple for that one. To answer your own question, you need to compare tax rates between the US and UK. Once you have done that, you can yell at your own government for the absurdly high tax rates in the UK!"

I've checked this before for other reasons, but applicable here... goto the US and UK Mercedes sites and check out the costs of two identical models...

The E63 AMG is $88,900 in the US and £73,460 in the UK; according to Google, £73,460 is $116,912, so you are paying 31% more for the same car.

The $499 vs $637 prices for the base iPad are a similar 28% gap. So as the other guy said-- don't blame Apple for this one.
[citation][nom]southernshark[/nom]Of course 4G in the USA is slower than the rest of the world. The USA is rapidly becoming a 3d world failed state and will join the rest of Latin America in abject failuredom.[/citation]

This might be a little off topic, but some of you guys need to actually get out of U.S. and check out the rest of the world before you can actually appreciate how great this country is.
I've been to Europe, so over rated, e.g. Rome, have to constantly watch out for pick pockets. Venice, the water there stinks worst than nyc subway. Paris, get ready to pay 2.5Euro per bottle of Coke? Check out McDonald in Amsterdam, it's about 8 to 10Euro per regular meal.

I always hear about how great the other nations are in books and news and other media, and then I started to appreciate how great this country is when I see/experience the other nations personally.
I never been to Latin America, so I don't really know. I was in the Bahamas the past weekend, and the local people there tries so hard to hard-sell you over priced "specialties", feels like they're ready to stab you if you're not going to buy stuff from them. Bad experience with Nassau(beach in paradise island was great though.)
[citation][nom]rumandcoke[/nom]there you are again seels... another thread, another early post of apple fanboiism... either you are being paid by Toms to stir the pot, or you are being paid by apple to spam the internet with fanboiisms... which is it?[/citation]
Or he's just trolling. Or maybe even sarcastic, though if he is, he certainly lack the associated wit.
I would think Apple could have integrated all the radios into this unit... Having two different types in the US (Verizon and ATT) is pointless, now not having the ability to go world wide with it is even more pointless.

Now, selling just a Wifi edition in those countries should be what Apple is aiming for and for those people in that country that travel aboard could get one of these units.

In any case, it is a big unit, all the radios should have been installed....

[citation][nom]seels[/nom]Either way, the iPad is a revolutionary, magical device way ahead of it's time, and the best tablet out there. My iPad, iPhone, and Mac's are all still going strong thanks to the best company in the world. Apple products can never be topped.[/citation]
Where's the bucket, I think I'm going to be sick. If you're going to promote something, at least give reasons why it is superior to other products because as far as I can see Apple products are just overpriced, closed devices that are on par (or in the case of OSX especially, inferior) to the competition. Is some of the hardware decent on the mobile side, yes but don't get me talking about how much of a scam some of their desktop products are. I once replied to one of your comments by saying that you were probably being sarcastic. Unfortunately, I believe I was wrong. You really are insane. Out of curiousity, do you actually know anything about computer hardware? Because if you did, you would quickly see how awful Apple products are. I can understand Hackintoshes- heck I want to make one myself! But you sound rediculous.
[citation][nom]amdwilliam1985[/nom]This might be a little off topic, but some of you guys need to actually get out of U.S. and check out the rest of the world before you can actually appreciate how great this country is.I've been to Europe, so over rated, e.g. Rome, have to constantly watch out for pick pockets. Venice, the water there stinks worst than nyc subway. Paris, get ready to pay 2.5Euro per bottle of Coke? Check out McDonald in Amsterdam, it's about 8 to 10Euro per regular meal.I always hear about how great the other nations are in books and news and other media, and then I started to appreciate how great this country is when I see/experience the other nations personally.I never been to Latin America, so I don't really know. I was in the Bahamas the past weekend, and the local people there tries so hard to hard-sell you over priced "specialties", feels like they're ready to stab you if you're not going to buy stuff from them. Bad experience with Nassau(beach in paradise island was great though.)[/citation]
Rome and Venice are pretty overrated and Europe is more expensive, but Europe makes up for these disadvantages with the wide availabilty of culture and the higher quality of living. If you don't like going to museums or eating smaller portions of food then Europe is not for you, but most people (like myself) find the availabilty of history and the different way of thinking to be superior to the U.S.
[citation][nom]Kreth[/nom]How high is 4G(LTE not the crap your companies call 4G) in america really? In sweden its up to 80Mbit/s but we usually get out around 40-50Mbit/s a mobile connection 4g(LTE) with speeds up to 80( about 40-50) costs right now 499kr from Telia, which is about $75 a month you should know theres a limit of 30gb of data each month on that price. Im just curious to compare how it is in America and Sweden[/citation]
I ran a few tests and got an average of 40Mbit/s download and 10Mbit/s upload on Verizon 4G LTE. The data plan alone is $29.99 and is unlimited for me because I got the contract before they changed it or otherwise the limit would be 2GB
[citation][nom]timbozero[/nom]The major issue with Apple products in the UK isn't the quality or the brand name nor is it the problem of the 4G debacle. The problem is that it sells here for £399 which is $637. How on Earth do Apple justify us paying an extra $138 for 'shipping and tax' ?The EU Commission are sitting back and ignoring this yet they went after Microsoft for IE being the only browser in Windows ????[/citation]

There's a roughly 25% tax with many imported goods going into many parts of Europe. This is nothing new and if you don't like it, take it up with your government because it isn't Apples fault (although many other things are Apple's fault), nor is it any other company's fault that there is a import tax (tariff).

[citation][nom]AndrewMD[/nom]I would think Apple could have integrated all the radios into this unit... Having two different types in the US (Verizon and ATT) is pointless, now not having the ability to go world wide with it is even more pointless. Now, selling just a Wifi edition in those countries should be what Apple is aiming for and for those people in that country that travel aboard could get one of these units. In any case, it is a big unit, all the radios should have been installed....[/citation]

WiFi also has different channels in different countries. Most WiFi devices I've known also support other country's channels, but not all of them do.

[citation][nom]Kreth[/nom]How high is 4G(LTE not the crap your companies call 4G) in america really? In sweden its up to 80Mbit/s but we usually get out around 40-50Mbit/s a mobile connection 4g(LTE) with speeds up to 80( about 40-50) costs right now 499kr from Telia, which is about $75 a month you should know theres a limit of 30gb of data each month on that price. Im just curious to compare how it is in America and Sweden[/citation]

Get high-speed mobile Internet that's faster than many home internet connections right in the palm of your hand. We've seen average download speeds on our HSPA+ 42 Mbps-capable data stick approaching 10 Mbps with peak speeds of 27 Mbps, and download speeds approaching 8 Mbps with peak speeds of 20 Mbps on our most advanced HSPA+ 42 Mbps-capable smartphones, the HTC Amaze™ 4G and the Samsung Galaxy S™ II.

Pulled from T-Mobile site. Our wired, home internet, depending on service provider, location, and price, can be from 56K dial up to between 1Mb/s and 4Mb/s in many areas, and in more populated ares' ranging from 4Mb/s to 30Mb/s unless we pay over a hundred US dollars a month or have some company deal going on like we work for Comcast or something.
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