Contant IPG Failures



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Are others still have trouble loading the IPG?

My IPG has been in trouble for over a week. The 905 is only doing a partial
load and usually only 2 - 4 hrs. Then it may not load the program
description. It takes 5 - 10 to minutes trying load. Sometimes I have to do
it 3 times before it takes. Then if the description doen't, load I have to
repeat the process all over again and that my take up to 3 tries. I have
spent as much as an hour trying to get it to load, and when it does it is
only a few hours of IPG.

Any one else having these problems? I live in MPLS and usually have a signal
strength in the high 90's but the qual level is in the upper 60's to lower
70's, and this is where it has always been, even when the IPG was working OK.
The picture and sound are always good on the program being watched. So why
can't the IPG load?

Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.

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RA-5C checking in the the same damn problem. I actually downloaded 2 days worth
of programming over night. All of this makes me wonder if the IPG problem is some
how connected to the 4th main fuel tank sensor on the Shuttle. Bet if all of the
subscribers were to call in on the same day and cancel that it would get fixed.

Micro Henry wrote:

> Are others still have trouble loading the IPG?
> My IPG has been in trouble for over a week. The 905 is only doing a partial
> load and usually only 2 - 4 hrs. Then it may not load the program
> description. It takes 5 - 10 to minutes trying load. Sometimes I have to do
> it 3 times before it takes. Then if the description doen't, load I have to
> repeat the process all over again and that my take up to 3 tries. I have
> spent as much as an hour trying to get it to load, and when it does it is
> only a few hours of IPG.
> Any one else having these problems? I live in MPLS and usually have a signal
> strength in the high 90's but the qual level is in the upper 60's to lower
> 70's, and this is where it has always been, even when the IPG was working OK.
> The picture and sound are always good on the program being watched. So why
> can't the IPG load?
> Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.
> uH
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RA-5C wrote:

> RA-5C checking in the the same damn problem. I actually downloaded 2 days
> worth of programming over night. All of this makes me wonder if the IPG
> problem is some how connected to the 4th main fuel tank sensor on the
> Shuttle. Bet if all of the subscribers were to call in on the same day and
> cancel that it would get fixed.

I bet they'd thank God to be rid of us.
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I've been having the same trouble too. I have a 922
"Micro Henry" <uH@MyServer.Loc> wrote in message
> Are others still have trouble loading the IPG?
> My IPG has been in trouble for over a week. The 905 is only doing a
> partial
> load and usually only 2 - 4 hrs. Then it may not load the program
> description. It takes 5 - 10 to minutes trying load. Sometimes I have to
> do
> it 3 times before it takes. Then if the description doen't, load I have
> to
> repeat the process all over again and that my take up to 3 tries. I have
> spent as much as an hour trying to get it to load, and when it does it is
> only a few hours of IPG.
> Any one else having these problems? I live in MPLS and usually have a
> signal
> strength in the high 90's but the qual level is in the upper 60's to lower
> 70's, and this is where it has always been, even when the IPG was working
> OK.
> The picture and sound are always good on the program being watched. So
> why
> can't the IPG load?
> Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.
> uH
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I have a peculiar problem,although a minor one.
On my 4DTV model 920,my clock keeps resetting itself to Alaskan Daylight
Time,when I am in the Pacific Time Zone.It has done this 4 times in the
past month.It is getting ridiculous to have to keep calling my
programmer to have it reset.The west coast ACC says they have me in
their database as being on Pacific Daylight Time,so why does it keep
bumping back an hour? It does this when my dish swings to G1 to do
automatic updates at 2AM.
Other than that,my guide seems to be loading the IPG normally.
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SAC441 wrote:

> <Snipped>
> ....., my guide seems to be loading the IPG normally.

If you are getting the IPG OK then there must be a signal strength/quality
issue here in the Midwest(MPLS). It's been hot here, 90's, but not as hot as
the SouthWest(100 - 110). Today, cold weather has arrived. It's 55 degress
and may get to 70. So if temp and humidity are the cause, it should load
fine today. Otherwise I am back to LNB and receiver issues.

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I am in the Pacific Northwest.The temperatures here have been averaging
about 76°,with the highest recorded temperature at my location at
88°.While it is warm,it is certainly not scorching like where you are
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SAC441 wrote:

> I am in the Pacific Northwest.The temperatures here have been averaging
> about 76°,with the highest recorded temperature at my location at
> 88°.While it is warm,it is certainly not scorching like where you are
> at.

Well, it got done to 55 last night when I tried to reload the IPG. It still
had the same problem. Is G1 one of the last satellites to be replaced? It
seems like all the transponders have lower output/signal strength then G5,
G10, AMC11 for instance.

I still think there is an uplink problem. I get such good reception, it's
had to accept the LNB or receiver as the problem. I never had IPG trouble
until they moved it to G1. G10 has good solid signal with qual levels at 99+
for all channels. AMC11 has quals of 90+. G1 struggles to get a qual of 70.
However G1-3 the IPG channel did have a qual of 83 this morning.

Anyway, lower outside temps did not improve my IPG problem.

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I am in the Twin Cities and have a 922. I have been getting the IPG updates
all along. NPS is my program provider. We also had a 6 hour power failure
with the thunderstorms last Saturday and the guide reloaded fine after that
event. Hope this info helps.

"Micro Henry" <uH@MyServer.Loc> wrote in message
> SAC441 wrote:
>> I am in the Pacific Northwest.The temperatures here have been averaging
>> about 76°,with the highest recorded temperature at my location at
>> 88°.While it is warm,it is certainly not scorching like where you are
>> at.
> Well, it got done to 55 last night when I tried to reload the IPG. It
> still
> had the same problem. Is G1 one of the last satellites to be replaced?
> It
> seems like all the transponders have lower output/signal strength then G5,
> G10, AMC11 for instance.
> I still think there is an uplink problem. I get such good reception, it's
> had to accept the LNB or receiver as the problem. I never had IPG trouble
> until they moved it to G1. G10 has good solid signal with qual levels at
> 99+
> for all channels. AMC11 has quals of 90+. G1 struggles to get a qual of
> 70.
> However G1-3 the IPG channel did have a qual of 83 this morning.
> Anyway, lower outside temps did not improve my IPG problem.
> uH
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On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 12:39:34 -0500, "Fred Carlson" <>

|I am in the Twin Cities and have a 922. I have been getting the IPG updates
|all along. NPS is my program provider. We also had a 6 hour power failure
|with the thunderstorms last Saturday and the guide reloaded fine after that
|event. Hope this info helps.
|"Micro Henry" <uH@MyServer.Loc> wrote in message
|> SAC441 wrote:
|>> I am in the Pacific Northwest.The temperatures here have been averaging
|>> about 76°,with the highest recorded temperature at my location at
|>> 88°.While it is warm,it is certainly not scorching like where you are
|>> at.
|> Well, it got done to 55 last night when I tried to reload the IPG. It
|> still
|> had the same problem. Is G1 one of the last satellites to be replaced?
|> It
|> seems like all the transponders have lower output/signal strength then G5,
|> G10, AMC11 for instance.
|> I still think there is an uplink problem. I get such good reception, it's
|> had to accept the LNB or receiver as the problem. I never had IPG trouble
|> until they moved it to G1. G10 has good solid signal with qual levels at
|> 99+
|> for all channels. AMC11 has quals of 90+. G1 struggles to get a qual of
|> 70.
|> However G1-3 the IPG channel did have a qual of 83 this morning.
|> Anyway, lower outside temps did not improve my IPG problem.
|> uH
Checked here when I first heard from my wife that there is a problem.
Guess it's general. We're in the coastal area of L.A., not too hot at
night at all (high 60's), though humid. She says that she's been
having problems with this for a week or so. Seems that our uplink
folks are not doing what we had hoped. A while back when we had this
problem I called NPS and got the same story mentioned earlier, about
having a problem but it is being worked. Seems they are aware of it,
but can they do anything about it?
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"Fred Carlson" wrote:

> I am in the Twin Cities and have a 922. I have been getting the IPG
> updates all along. NPS is my program provider. We also had a 6 hour
> power failure with the thunderstorms last Saturday and the guide
> reloaded fine after that event. Hope this info helps.

Well that sure shines a different light on things since I am in MPLS. There
may be a 922 vs 905 firmware difference or better PLO. But more important,
what is your LNB and is it a low jitter version for digital? I have a Cal
Amp 15deg. How big is your dish? Mine is 10ft. What do you get for qual
values on G1 as compared to what I posted? I have always had low values, 65
- 75. On G10 it is always ~ 99. Never had IPG problems on G10.

My problems started when everyone else started complaining. Hence I felt it
was a uplink problem, and not my hardware. But maybe my LNB has fatigue
caused by the high temp. But, my picture is great, both analog and digital,
no analog sparkles or digital freezes. So why should I replace the LNB to
fix the IPG, when evething else works fine?

At any rate I am confused about the cause.

Thanks for you feedback,

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I also have a Cal Amp 15 deg installed 2001. 10' dish. I get between 55-63
quality for the lower digital 100-135, and around 95 for the 600-603 range.
150-177 is usually in the 85-88 range.

"Micro Henry" <uH@MyServer.Loc> wrote in message
> "Fred Carlson" wrote:
>> I am in the Twin Cities and have a 922. I have been getting the IPG
>> updates all along. NPS is my program provider. We also had a 6 hour
>> power failure with the thunderstorms last Saturday and the guide
>> reloaded fine after that event. Hope this info helps.
> Well that sure shines a different light on things since I am in MPLS.
> There
> may be a 922 vs 905 firmware difference or better PLO. But more
> important,
> what is your LNB and is it a low jitter version for digital? I have a Cal
> Amp 15deg. How big is your dish? Mine is 10ft. What do you get for qual
> values on G1 as compared to what I posted? I have always had low values,
> 65
> - 75. On G10 it is always ~ 99. Never had IPG problems on G10.
> My problems started when everyone else started complaining. Hence I felt
> it
> was a uplink problem, and not my hardware. But maybe my LNB has fatigue
> caused by the high temp. But, my picture is great, both analog and
> digital,
> no analog sparkles or digital freezes. So why should I replace the LNB to
> fix the IPG, when evething else works fine?
> At any rate I am confused about the cause.
> Thanks for you feedback,
> uH
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Same problem here - Eau Claire WI - clock/Guide is back an hour.
I just noticed in the last 24 hours so I don't know how long
this has been set like this. I've had no apparent problems with
the guide download but the clock is skewed - like it's reset
to central standard time...

SAC 441 wrote:
> I have a peculiar problem,although a minor one.
> On my 4DTV model 920,my clock keeps resetting itself to Alaskan Daylight
> Time,when I am in the Pacific Time Zone.It has done this 4 times in the
> past month.It is getting ridiculous to have to keep calling my
> programmer to have it reset.The west coast ACC says they have me in
> their database as being on Pacific Daylight Time,so why does it keep
> bumping back an hour? It does this when my dish swings to G1 to do
> automatic updates at 2AM.
> Other than that,my guide seems to be loading the IPG normally.
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> My IPG has been in trouble for over a week. The 905 is only doing a
> partial
> load and usually only 2 - 4 hrs. Then it may not load the program
> description. It takes 5 - 10 to minutes trying load. Sometimes I have to
> do
> it 3 times before it takes. Then if the description doen't, load I have
> to
> repeat the process all over again and that my take up to 3 tries. I have
> spent as much as an hour trying to get it to load, and when it does it is
> only a few hours of IPG.
> Any one else having these problems? I live in MPLS and usually have a
> signal
> strength in the high 90's but the qual level is in the upper 60's to lower
> 70's, and this is where it has always been, even when the IPG was working
> OK.
> The picture and sound are always good on the program being watched. So
> why
> can't the IPG load?

Here is a trick that I learned,
Since you may have a partial guide, you should purge it by going to options

That gets you to diagnostics screen, now go to diagnostics "F" by using the
right or left arrow keys, now press "info" ,this will purge the ram.

Now press the guide key, then press options 6,0,5 and go to diagnostics "F"

Looking at the top two lines you will see two lines of zeros, stay on this
screen until you see three columns change. The guide will continue
downloading as long as you stay on this screen.

Each zero represents a different day of the week.

The third line down directly under the "d:" is the amount of available ram,
you can watch this number decrease as the guide downloads and it always
stops in the forties.

Directly to the right at the end of line three you can see elapsed time.
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Stop Humpin' My Leg Dawg!! wrote:

>>My IPG has been in trouble for over a week. The 905 is only doing a
>>load and usually only 2 - 4 hrs. Then it may not load the program
>>description. It takes 5 - 10 to minutes trying load. Sometimes I have to
>>it 3 times before it takes. Then if the description doen't, load I have
>>repeat the process all over again and that my take up to 3 tries. I have
>>spent as much as an hour trying to get it to load, and when it does it is
>>only a few hours of IPG.
>>Any one else having these problems? I live in MPLS and usually have a
>>strength in the high 90's but the qual level is in the upper 60's to lower
>>70's, and this is where it has always been, even when the IPG was working
>>The picture and sound are always good on the program being watched. So
>>can't the IPG load?
> Here is a trick that I learned,
> Since you may have a partial guide, you should purge it by going to options
> 6,0,5
> That gets you to diagnostics screen, now go to diagnostics "F" by using the
> right or left arrow keys, now press "info" ,this will purge the ram.
> Now press the guide key, then press options 6,0,5 and go to diagnostics "F"
> Looking at the top two lines you will see two lines of zeros, stay on this
> screen until you see three columns change. The guide will continue
> downloading as long as you stay on this screen.
> Each zero represents a different day of the week.
> The third line down directly under the "d:" is the amount of available ram,
> you can watch this number decrease as the guide downloads and it always
> stops in the forties.
> Directly to the right at the end of line three you can see elapsed time.
Mine stopped at 36. Otherwise it is as stated here. Takes awhile to
get to that point though. About 30 min.

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"Stop Humpin' My Leg Dawg!!" wrote:
> Here is a trick that I learned,
> Since you may have a partial guide, you should purge it by going to
> options 6,0,5
> That gets you to diagnostics screen, now go to diagnostics "F" by using
> the right or left arrow keys, now press "info" ,this will purge the ram.
> Now press the guide key, then press options 6,0,5 and go to diagnostics
> "F"
> Looking at the top two lines you will see two lines of zeros, stay on
> this screen until you see three columns change. The guide will continue
> downloading as long as you stay on this screen.
> Each zero represents a different day of the week.
> The third line down directly under the "d:" is the amount of available
> ram, you can watch this number decrease as the guide downloads and it
> always stops in the forties.
> Directly to the right at the end of line three you can see elapsed time.

Thanks for you feedback,

Do you know if this works on the 905 sidecar?

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"Micro Henry" <uH@MyServer.Loc> wrote in message
> "Stop Humpin' My Leg Dawg!!" wrote:
>> Here is a trick that I learned,
>> Since you may have a partial guide, you should purge it by going to
>> options 6,0,5
>> That gets you to diagnostics screen, now go to diagnostics "F" by using
>> the right or left arrow keys, now press "info" ,this will purge the ram.
>> Now press the guide key, then press options 6,0,5 and go to diagnostics
>> "F"
>> Looking at the top two lines you will see two lines of zeros, stay on
>> this screen until you see three columns change. The guide will continue
>> downloading as long as you stay on this screen.
>> Each zero represents a different day of the week.
>> The third line down directly under the "d:" is the amount of available
>> ram, you can watch this number decrease as the guide downloads and it
>> always stops in the forties.
>> Directly to the right at the end of line three you can see elapsed time.
> Thanks for you feedback,
> Do you know if this works on the 905 sidecar?

That is what I have heard, anyway it can't hurt.
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>> "Micro Henry" wrote:
>> Do you know if this works on the 905 sidecar?

>"Stop Humpin' My Leg Dawg!!" wrote:
> That is what I have heard, anyway it can't hurt.

I tried this as was able to load about 2 days, and that's an improvement.

However, on the 905, the counter for available ram only had three values, 63,
11, 1. It keep rotating through these 3 numbers and the process never stops.
only 3 columns were affected and one column on the top row just kept changing
for 0 to 1 and back again over and over. after 30min I realized there is no
end in sight and canceled the process. But I did get two days instead of

Thanks for the the help

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I'm also having problems downloading the IPG. I have a 10' dish with dual
feed Cap Amp 25 deg C-Band LNB's and a 4DTV(922). These LNB's are about 10
years old. I never had problems downloading the IPG from G0. Another problem
with G1 is that some digital channels come in crystal clear and others do
not come in at all. This problem appears to be transponder related. I will
be upgrading my antenna feed to a Chaparral Corotor II with a Norsat 6600A
Ku LNB. I don't have a new C-Band LNB. I am considering purchasing a Norsat
8515. I'm not sure that an 8515 will resolve all the problems I have with
G1. I noticed that two of you mentioned using Cal Amp 15 deg LNB's. What Cap
Amp model(s) are you using? I've had very good service from the old Cal Amps
I'm using. BTW I'm a long time subscriber of this newsgroup, I just do many



"Micro Henry" <uH@MyServer.Loc> wrote in message
> Are others still have trouble loading the IPG?
> My IPG has been in trouble for over a week. The 905 is only doing a
> partial
> load and usually only 2 - 4 hrs. Then it may not load the program
> description. It takes 5 - 10 to minutes trying load. Sometimes I have to
> do
> it 3 times before it takes. Then if the description doen't, load I have
> to
> repeat the process all over again and that my take up to 3 tries. I have
> spent as much as an hour trying to get it to load, and when it does it is
> only a few hours of IPG.
> Any one else having these problems? I live in MPLS and usually have a
> signal
> strength in the high 90's but the qual level is in the upper 60's to lower
> 70's, and this is where it has always been, even when the IPG was working
> OK.
> The picture and sound are always good on the program being watched. So
> why
> can't the IPG load?
> Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.
> uH
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I am using a 17° PLL California Amplifier C-Band LNB and a .6dB Ku-LNB
(also California Amplifier) in a dual feedhorn on a Unimesh steel quad
support 10 foot dish with an Echosphere horizon to horizon actuator
mount.All my equipment save for the 4DTV receiver was purchased in 1986
and is still in use.
My receivers are a 4DTV model 920 and a Satwork ST 3688 DVB free to air
I have only experienced the problems with my clock being wrong on my
4DTV and having to reset it 3 times via my secondary provider.Other than
that,the IPG has loaded normally.