Copying Tapes to VCD



I have been trying to convert my movies to vcd. I have no problem capturing from TV or dubbed movies, but when I try to use a retail movie, the capture freezes at 30 seconds. Anyone else heard of this? Is this a copy protection feature? I am using the ATI AIW Radeon, 128MB DDR, Asus A7M266, Athlon 1.33GHz 266FSB, blah, blah, blah. DMA is enabled. Any suggestions?


Dec 31, 2007
Mesa hasa AIW also. Will try tonight to copy a retail tape. I usually keep the whole process digital by starting with DVD and converting on the computer. Had trouble with an old VHS copy of "Hitch Hicker's Guide" and never tried again. I figured the quality of the tape was not good enough. Will try again with a newer tape.


Dec 31, 2007
Copied 10 minutes from retail version of "Ususal Suspects" to HD using AIW with no problem. Gonna try doing the whole tape while sleeping. Might run into a size problem but that is no biggie cause I can just do it in two sections. Didn't like med or good quality, for me only best will do.

Had a bunch of trouble with p4/ME/AIW at first but it is working good now. If you are interested see "so far Radeon so so" in the video card section of this forum.

Still can't record fuzzy copy of Hitch Hikers Guide cause tape is too far gone already. Good luck!


I to have been capturing som old tapes to DivX. I have no trouble capturing on my Matrox G400. But when the tape is really poor quality, i get big a/v sync problemes because the G400 drops a lot of frames. All a/v sync problems can be fixed, but it takes a long time due to the G400 is drifting the frame rate through the recording.