Question CPU Cooked ?


Apr 1, 2016

I had.. (rip) a i7 6700k when dropped onto the market around 2015, I upgraded then gave that PC to my dad a few years ago. I had some issues with the pins on the MB but solved the issue with steady hands and tweezers - everything has run smoothly for the course of the time its been in his hands.

Until today. The CPU fan is water cooled via Corsiars H45. At first I thought the Paste was old. So I re-applied. Yet the CPU instantly goes 100C. (before shutting down) Now I have fans on ideal temps. (40% speeds) today I noticed fans were running at 100% (god knows how long this CPU has been throttled at these temps, but my guess its' been cooking itself)

I jumped in the bios turned off OC settings to stock, did an auto boot test from BIOS... Failed. The PC does not boot on its own. Further the Ghz drops 4.8 > 2.1 even 0.8.

I mostly know its fried but reassurance helps lol.

My conclusion was MB is fine, connectors work and there was no codes telling me there was problems. Second, the CPU cooler, yet paste spread seemed good (used Kryonaut last applied 2y before today) and connection must've been fine as fan speeds didn't ever peak, there's still one hot tube, one cold so that's correct plus the fan is newish too. Thus it could only be the old boy? - squeezing the last bit of processing power out. Right ?

Any thoughts would be appreciated and F's in comments if you also feel it's purpose has been served. haha.

Thanks T.
Any thoughts would be appreciated and F's in comments if you also feel it's purpose has been served. haha.

Make sure the cooler is mounted properly on all 4 anchor points.

The AiO pump on the H45 might be dead as it's quite old now. Buy a Hyper 212 Evo and put it on, if that solves the issue then the AiO cooler is to blame. Corsair has a warranty, not sure how long it is on the H45.

If the AiO is fine, then the factory paste between the die (actual CPU core itself) and the IHS (large metal piece on CPU) is likely dried and the CPU would need to be delidded to replace the factory thermal compound.
That specifically indicates a cooler not properly installed.


Make sure the cooler is mounted properly on all 4 anchor points.

But he also mentioned it's an old H45. Which the pump easily could have failed on. H45's aren't known for their longevity.

Either it's not screwed on or the pump failed or is failing. And the only way to easily determine that is with a new cooler.

Hyper 212 is cheap and good. Perfect for a 6700K.

Could also be the thermal compound under the IHS. Only Bloomfield, Sandy Bridge, and Ivy Bridge were soldered with indium. From Haswell and up, Intel used homebrew paste. Main reason I delidded my 7940X and eventually just got a new 10940X.