CPU upgrade for Dell 1545 Inspiron


Jun 15, 2015
I am looking to get the best CPU upgrade for my Dell 1545 Inspiron. The following are actual laptop's specs:
Made in 2009, 15.6 inch screen, 8GB RAM, 500GB hard drive and the CPU I now have in the
laptop is a Pentium (R) Duel-Core CPU T4500 @2.30 GHz 2.30GHz.

Also, can this specific Inspiron handle install of an Intel i3 Quad Core CPU??

Thanks for any helpful info., references, etc...

The Inspiron 1545 can only accept dual-core Core 2 Duo or Core 2 Extreme chips. Core i3, of any generation, is a no-go. The good news is that it can take any Core 2 chip, which means you can install a 3.06 GHz T9900 or X9100 and it will work fine.

I'm typing this on a 1545 with a T9800 (2.93 GHz), which provided about a 40 percent performance boost over the original T4400 and also improved battery life to boot. Been running it for about six months now, and it gave this laptop a total new lease on life.
Laptop CPU upgrades aren't like desktop upgrades, they're far more...uh...problematic. You *might* be able to get a T9500 in there, but you'll have to hunt down a service manual for your motherboard to make sure. And that's assuming you can track one down at a cost at which this makes sense. It's a very, very old laptop.
The Inspiron 1545 can only accept dual-core Core 2 Duo or Core 2 Extreme chips. Core i3, of any generation, is a no-go. The good news is that it can take any Core 2 chip, which means you can install a 3.06 GHz T9900 or X9100 and it will work fine.

I'm typing this on a 1545 with a T9800 (2.93 GHz), which provided about a 40 percent performance boost over the original T4400 and also improved battery life to boot. Been running it for about six months now, and it gave this laptop a total new lease on life.
The Dell Inspiron 1545 can accept up to a Intel Core 2 Duo T9900.

Here is a list of possible cpu upgrades for the Dell Inspiron 1545. I have also included some recent Ebay buy it now prices for used cpu's to give an idea of the current used prices.

Intel Core 2 Duo mobile cpu compatible upgrades for a Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop"

Intel Core 2 Duo T9900 3.06-GHz 6M 1066-Mhz CPU 35-watts - $59

Intel Core 2 Duo T9800 2.93-GHz 6M 1066-MHz CPU 35-watts - $30

Intel Core 2 Duo P9700 2.80-GHz 6M 1066-MHz CPU 25-watts - $34

Intel Core 2 Duo T9600 2.80-GHz 6M 1066-MHz CPU 35-watts - $20

Intel Core 2 Duo T9500 2.60-GHz 6M 800-MHz CPU 35-watts - $40

Intel Core 2 Duo P9500 2.53-GHz 6M 1066-MHz CPU 25-watts - $20

Intel Core 2 Duo T9400 2.53 GHz 6M 1066-MHz CPU 25-watts - $11

Intel Core 2 Duo T9300 2.50-GHz 6M 800-MHz CPU 35-watts - $27

Intel Core 2 Duo P8800 2.66-GHz 3M 1066-Mhz CPU 25-watts - $12

Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 2.53-GHz 3M 1066-MHz CPU 35-watts - $5
the Intel Core 2 Duo T9600 2.80-GHz 6M 1066-MHz CPU will work fine on Dell Inspiron 1545 Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4400 @ 2.20GHz - Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset???

no matter the chipset or bios?

this is correct???

Yes, it will work fine. You might want to check with Dell to see if there's a BIOS upgrade available first, but I'm pretty sure any BIOS revision will take any chip. All 1545's are supported up to the T9900. It will unquestionably work. I actually got ahold of a T9900 and installed it a few months ago.

All you need is a small screwdriver to remove and then put back the heatsink and some new thermal paste to put on the new CPU once you've installed it. You can do it in 10 minutes.

great. thanks for the reply.
I spoke to Dell Tech Support today and they tell me the 1545 can only support up to a T6600. I believe they say this because that the highest CPU they have in inventory but wanted to ask if anyone has had issues with T7xxx, T8xxx or T9xxx CPU's. What do you have to change in the BIOS to ensure the MB recognizes the upgrade. Any concerns on overheating?

Thanks for the info. Just ordered a t9600 from Amazon. I have done a lot of research on this. I am not cheap, I am just trying to improve the performance on this used 1545. It actually runs extremely fine with the t4200, I have had to replace the hdd with another found unit, Installed Linux and it is fine. I have firefox open, 8 tabs, listening to music on VLC, system tray monitor running, 4 gbs of ram, I amusing 1gb, t4200 is humming along nicely at 54 degrees centigrade, I am just curious how much more I can tweak for my modest use. Thanks again. I am 62 years old, electronic tech, tubes to solid state, b&w crt to flat screen, love tinkering with electronics. I had an old Desktop 2000, manufactured in 1997 it would not handle broadband, it was, I think, 160ghz. There was a dipswitch on the motherboard that allowed me to bump it up to 240. I used that as a backup, upgraded it to winxp, was told that was not possible, I had to upgrade the bios via floppy disks. laid off and broke, I used that for years. Obviously, just basic usage, lol, you tube was lag tube. Wrong advice told me it was not possible, Proper advice told me it was.