Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)
I've had this panny 47" for a year now and have been quite happy with
it but just recently I've noticed about 4 "scratches" that are in a
semi circle equi-distant from each other and about 8" long. The best
way I can describe it is if you had a bulls eye target outline and the
lines are very faint but I can see them when the screen goes to
bright white. It's on all channels I try.
Anybody want to hazard a guess as to why this is happening.
I've had this panny 47" for a year now and have been quite happy with
it but just recently I've noticed about 4 "scratches" that are in a
semi circle equi-distant from each other and about 8" long. The best
way I can describe it is if you had a bulls eye target outline and the
lines are very faint but I can see them when the screen goes to
bright white. It's on all channels I try.
Anybody want to hazard a guess as to why this is happening.