Dead Panasonic 65" plasma ?? help


Nov 29, 2015
My plasma tv of a couple years went dead day after turkey day in the middle of a movie - Panasonic model TC-P65ST30, the plugs that the tv were in are all fine there was no power surges but the tv will not power back on even by pressing power button manually, just completely dead, any thoughts ? the tv has not been used a lot it's in perfect condition, I really don't feel like dropping another 2 grand again !
Most of the newer models do not have a fuse in the back either ... it is internal, and called a "fuzeable link". If one or more of the power regulars have died, they are about $20 a pop, and the repair place will likely charge $120 - 200 to repair it, providing no cct track is damaged or other components.

Since it is a big TV it is probably worth it.

They get quite hot, so in order to get them to last make sure the unit is not stuck right against the wall, where it won't get much airflow ... or in an area where it gets quite hot.

Most plasma TV's would actually benefit from a 120mm computer fan exhausting the heat around the regulators ...

Most die (due to the power supply frying) well before the gas runs low ... 5 -7 years min.


Nov 29, 2015

Thanks Reynod, I will definitely give a call around tomorrow to see what some tv repair places say about that and get some pricing. Thanks
Most of the newer models do not have a fuse in the back either ... it is internal, and called a "fuzeable link". If one or more of the power regulars have died, they are about $20 a pop, and the repair place will likely charge $120 - 200 to repair it, providing no cct track is damaged or other components.

Since it is a big TV it is probably worth it.

They get quite hot, so in order to get them to last make sure the unit is not stuck right against the wall, where it won't get much airflow ... or in an area where it gets quite hot.

Most plasma TV's would actually benefit from a 120mm computer fan exhausting the heat around the regulators ...

Most die (due to the power supply frying) well before the gas runs low ... 5 -7 years min.



Nov 29, 2015
Thanks for the responses Reynod. Turned out to be part of the power supply and a few other parts on the inside, had a mobile guy and his son come out and diagnose and order a few parts waited a couple days............voila, she came back to life for $185 a lot better then dropping another couple grand on a new tv. Thanks again -B