Dead player?



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I recently took my Pioneer CLD-S201 back out of its box, but it won't play
LDs. (It plays CDs fine, in both the full tray and in Direct CD.) The tray
closes on the disc fine, but then I hear a whining noise and it spits the
disc back out. I opened the case to see what was happening, and I saw that
the whining (a straining motor sound) happens when the lower disc clamp
moves up to engage the disc. As far as I can tell, the tray isn't out of
alignment. Is this fixable (by me), or is it time to start browsing eBay?

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Sounds like a loading belt issue. Just try to manually assist in raising
the mechanism. It is works, replace the loading belt.


"Mark Hanson" <> wrote in message
> I recently took my Pioneer CLD-S201 back out of its box, but it won't play
> LDs. (It plays CDs fine, in both the full tray and in Direct CD.) The tray
> closes on the disc fine, but then I hear a whining noise and it spits the
> disc back out. I opened the case to see what was happening, and I saw that
> the whining (a straining motor sound) happens when the lower disc clamp
> moves up to engage the disc. As far as I can tell, the tray isn't out of
> alignment. Is this fixable (by me), or is it time to start browsing eBay?
> Thanks.
> Mark
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sounds to me like you have a somewhat oversized but working CD player---
last i knew, was selling these machines with a 1 year
warranty for $119.95.
"Kurtis Bahr" <> wrote in message
> Sounds like a loading belt issue. Just try to manually assist in raising
> the mechanism. It is works, replace the loading belt.
> Kurtis
> "Mark Hanson" <> wrote in message
> news:qEOCc.6836$
> > I recently took my Pioneer CLD-S201 back out of its box, but it won't
> > LDs. (It plays CDs fine, in both the full tray and in Direct CD.) The
> > closes on the disc fine, but then I hear a whining noise and it spits
> > disc back out. I opened the case to see what was happening, and I saw
> > the whining (a straining motor sound) happens when the lower disc clamp
> > moves up to engage the disc. As far as I can tell, the tray isn't out of
> > alignment. Is this fixable (by me), or is it time to start browsing
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Mark
> >
> >
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On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 01:30:39 -0400, Kurtis Bahr <> wrote:
>Sounds like a loading belt issue. Just try to manually assist in raising
>the mechanism. It is works, replace the loading belt.

If it doesn't, get another a player on e-bay. They go for less than $40.
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"TCS" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 01:30:39 -0400, Kurtis Bahr <> wrote:
> >Sounds like a loading belt issue. Just try to manually assist in raising
> >the mechanism. It is works, replace the loading belt.
> If it doesn't, get another a player on e-bay. They go for less than $40.

Thanks. I'll try fiddling with the belt. But if it doesn't work I'm
certainly not getting another S201. It was perfectly nice at the time (i.e.
affordable), but any replacement has to have AC-3, at the least.

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On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 14:54:43 GMT, Mark Hanson <> wrote:
>"TCS" <> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 01:30:39 -0400, Kurtis Bahr <> wrote:
>> >Sounds like a loading belt issue. Just try to manually assist in raising
>> >the mechanism. It is works, replace the loading belt.
>> If it doesn't, get another a player on e-bay. They go for less than $40.

>Thanks. I'll try fiddling with the belt. But if it doesn't work I'm
>certainly not getting another S201. It was perfectly nice at the time (i.e.
>affordable), but any replacement has to have AC-3, at the least.

My biggest reason for retiring my S201 was getting AC3, *and* double
sided play, and later having a digital field memory.

If I was only interested in AC3, I might consider adding it -- the
circuit to bring the signal out is just a one transistor buffer. The
demodulation is another story, but is required with any player.
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Well, I sort of fixed it. Well, "fixed" it. Somehow I got the notion to put
in a LD *and* a CD. Naturally the motor complained and spit the tray back
out. Then I removed the CD from the tray and tried again -- and it worked.
As a quick fix, it seems to work pretty well. The motor still whines when I
put in an LD, but if I try the CD trick it works just fine.

So, I think I'll still look around for a replacement, but in the meantime I
can watch my old LDs. Kewl.
