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In article <>,
"" <> writes:
> Rod Smith wrote:
>> The speculation is that this happens when you give it too many Thumbs Down
>> ratings to bad shows in categories you do like
> I understand and have heard all that, but IMO that doesn't really
> explain why that would lead to getting a news show covering this year's
> most important national story when we've never received news
> suggestions before, or even recorded news stories or thumbsed up any
> news shows...
It's called "coincidence." If shifting to unrated suggestions because of
too many Thumbs Downs is the explanation, then it just so happened that
the TiVo made this Suggestion during a major news event. By this view,
there's nothing causal about the nature or importance of the news event
and the Suggestion to record it.
>> Tivo can push items to you via the gold star items on the main
> menu page instead.
> But I've only seen them to that for promotional items, never news
> stories. And aren't those physically stored in the space used for
> Showcases?
I didn't make that comment, so I can't speak for the person who did, but I
read the comment as being an elaboration on recordings you don't schedule
generally, not an explanation for your specific Suggestion. After all, you
didn't find this recording as a gold star item off the main menu, which is
what the comment addresses.
Rod Smith,
Author of books on Linux, FreeBSD, and networking