Dell 7577 poor performance. Is it single channel RAM?


Mar 28, 2009
Hi everyone,

I have a dell7577 with the 7700HQ a seagate SSHD 1TB and the 1060Max-Q . Several games i play show poor performance with cpu at 50-60% and gpu around 50-60%. I'm starting to think its the single channel 16 GB 2400MhzRAM they put in these machines. Do you think framedrops caused in games (most recent Metal gear Phantom pain where i get 50-60 with effect on high everything else maxed) could be that? Turning settings higher actually doesnt affect performance that much. Even Fortnite i get massive fps drops to the 30's with settings not even maxed at 1080p.
Tell me yout thoughts because i am deeply dissapointed and i can see the hardware not even stressing out.
No, single channel V Dual for gamin gives very little performance increase. Rule that out. it's not a problem. Of course, dual channel increase memory bandwidth for some apps/benches, but not for gaming. For gaming it's more about clockspeed of the dimms, but on Intel systems it's even less important.

The laptop has a balanced CPU/GPU. The q-max is not quite a full fledged 1060 so it may not max out all games at 1080p, but is still pretty good for most games, and should get ultra/high at least with a steady 60fps.

What games show poor performance?

At 50-60% on both GPU and CPU, that's not indicative of a bottleneck, which you wouldn't expect with that CPU anyway. So, game dependant that might be appropriate usage.

Just because your...
No, single channel V Dual for gamin gives very little performance increase. Rule that out. it's not a problem. Of course, dual channel increase memory bandwidth for some apps/benches, but not for gaming. For gaming it's more about clockspeed of the dimms, but on Intel systems it's even less important.

The laptop has a balanced CPU/GPU. The q-max is not quite a full fledged 1060 so it may not max out all games at 1080p, but is still pretty good for most games, and should get ultra/high at least with a steady 60fps.

What games show poor performance?

At 50-60% on both GPU and CPU, that's not indicative of a bottleneck, which you wouldn't expect with that CPU anyway. So, game dependant that might be appropriate usage.

Just because your GPU isn't at 100% load, doesn't mean it's not working correctly. Some games differ to others in GPU usage requirements, vram, cpu usage , frame buffer etc.

There's a good chance that you're experiencing thermal throttling. Check the temperatures during gameplay with something like msi afterburner. If the fps drop when the gpu & cpu reach certain temperatures, you'll know for sure.
I would see if thermal issues are to blame first, on both the CPU and GPU. Alot of laptops thermal throttle these days. While dual channel is better the difference wouldn't be that massive.

Also make sure you have all the windows/nvidia power options set to performance and not power saving or balanced

I monitored my thermals as well, with a proper undervolt (110mV) i'm getting 70-75 deegrees celcius) plus XTU doesnt show any signs of thermal throttling. Same goes for the GPU. NVIDIA settings and laptop settings also set to hight performance. I have seen benchmarks online with 10-15% fps gains on specific games. I have tried many many games to compare with my 3570K 970GTX Desktop and performance is sluggish and much worse. Any ideas?