If you’re not even getting the initial Dell Logo screen (very first screen. Occurs before the Windows screen) you’re limited in what you can do on your own. Some of those things involve opening up the computer but I won’t advise things down that path.
So, just try the followingf
1. Disconnect all external connections to the laptop. That includes the AC power adapter and any external drives, USB connections, etc.
2. Slide the removable battery out from the side of the laptop. On the side of the battery you should see LED lights (which won’t be lit) and a little “bump” on to their side which is the battery status indicator. Press it down and release. Do all the LED lights turn on? If the battery is fully charged they should all turn.
3. Put the battery back in. I believer there are 3 device status lights at the top of the keyborad and two more in front and just left of touchpad. Anything lit after reinserting the battery? They should all be out.
4. Plug the AC cord into the wall socket don’t connect to computer yet. Does a green LED power light appear on the adapter EVERY time it’s plugged in? It should appear whenever the adapter is plugged in.
5. Now you can connect AC power to the laptop. Any status light turn on, flash or change when you do? If so, what color?
6. Push the power on button. Same question: Any status light turn on, flash or change when you do? If so, what color? And is there any change or just remains black on the screen?