Dell Inspiron 5737 Windows 10 wont detect Radeon HD 8870M


Jan 7, 2017
Hello, I recently bought a dell 5737 and put a fresh install of windows 10 on it. I spent about a year trying to find the right drivers to download and despite downloading the latest Video Card drive on dell's website, my computer still wont detect it in the device manager and instead uses intel integrated graphics. A lot of people have had similar issues, is there anything I can do?
Here's the steps on how to set it to default.

1. Open the "Control Center".
2. Select "Manage 3D Settings" under 3D Settings.
3. Click on the "Program Settings" tab and select the program you want to choose a graphics card for from the drop down list.
4. Now select "preferred graphics processor" in the drop down list. (You can see what the automatic option is listed as global setting) If you want to use the dedicated graphics card, select High-performance AMD processor.

Once it is running on the right one, test the system again and see if the problem persists.

For ATI/AMD graphics cards the process varies.

You may need to open graphics then PowerPlay and set plugged in and/or battery to maximize performance.

You can also try going to graphics then 3D and move the slider to performance. Your computer may also have a switchable graphics tab where you can change the settings for individual programs.

My card is ati/amd so I have no Nvidia software and none of the amd software is installing correctly. It says that the driver software was installed, but I can't find it on my pc. The only driver software I can actually use is Intel's. Sorry, I don't know a whole lot about how this stuff works but I do know that other people have had this issue. AMD autodetect software isn't working, so I need to download something that will allow the gpu to be detected, but after hours of trying I have no idea what that could possibly be.
That info is actually for an AMD graphics card/GPU. Not Nvidia. That would be very different instructions.

Both of these links will take you to the downloads for it on the AMD website. I have included two downloads, because I didn't know if your system is 32 or 64 bit.

Windows 10 ... 32 bit ...

Windows 10 ... 64 bit ...

Once you have installed any/all downloads, be sure you restart the laptop.

I appreciate the response, but I have already downloaded and uninstalled these exact drivers at least 10 times by now. I think I've narrowed the issue down to a ton of missing drivers, but I have no idea what I am and am not missing so I will again, probably spend a majority of my day trying to fix this.
I am at a loss here. It has to be Windows 10 related, which doesn't surprise me at all, but drivers other than the graphics ones shouldn't cause this. Apologies that I can't be more help.

Have you checked your BIOS to make sure everything is set up correctly? And even checked if there are BIOS updates?

Yup, updated bios and all of the other drivers. I really appreciate the effort you put in to help me with your responses but I've come to peace with it. My original idea was of bringing the laptop and my xbox one to school so I could leave my bulky gaming PC at home still works very well, there are just a few games that I thought I could play like CS:GO or older AAA titles that I'll have to pass on. I have a decent amount of good single and multiplayer games on Xbox, and many good indie games that'll run on integrated graphics like Stardew Valley and Enter the Gungeon in my steam library. It kinda sucks but I'm pretty happy with it overall since I got a fantastic deal on the laptop (which will make my life much easier) and I still have a ton a great games to play that honestly, I probably don't even have the time for.