Dell Inspiron 9100


Oct 27, 2008
Not sure if this is a good place to post this question, if not my apologies in advance. I have a Dell Inspiron 9100 laptop that is a couple years old. It's been a solid workhorse for me until recently when I wiped the hard drive and re installed the OS (Windows XP Home). It has a P4 3GB procession, with 1GB of RAM. The video is an ATI mobility Radeon 9700. Since my last install this machine is horrible slow. Acts like it is over burdened but I don't have any extra programs loaded. It's a clean install, only the OS and WoW atm. My biggest complaint is that the laptop is almost un usable right now. No Anti Virus programs running in the background, checked running processes and nothing looks fishy. Are there any reputable utility programs out there that might be able to put my laptop through the ringer to try to narrow down where the bottle neck is. Thanks, Damon
Sure there are. You can test it out with 3dmark (2001 or 2003 would be good versions for your GPU), prime95, and memtest (just google them, you'll find them real fast).

Did you install your graphics and chipset drivers? This sounds a lot like a software issue. Did you try updating the BIOS?
I installed my graphics driver, didn't touch my chipset drivers, when I look at Dells site I don't see any chipset drivers newer then what I have, but I better look again. Ty