Dell Inspiron Windows 8 at 0% plugged in charging


Jun 1, 2016
My Dell Inspiron laptop wont charge, even though it says it is. I don't understand why, but before this, my laptop used to say 'plugged in, not charging' but now it says its charging, even though it isn't, it just stays at a solid 0%, and I don't want to buy a new battery. Please help.
If the system used to say plugged in and not charging, you need a new battery to test with. It's likely that. If you don't want to buy a new battery, ignore the message and use the system on wall power only.
At some point you may have lost mains power to your laptop and the battery run down. Batteries for laptops like any battery have a self life and fail and die when they get old. Also if the are left to run down below 9% to 5% they struggle to charge at 0% batteries will not often recharge. Reason being they generate to much heat and can swell while they struggle to charge back up and can catch fire, So internal components in the battery or charger and often software will detect a low percentage to kill charging and prevent fires thermal resistors can cut power on charging. Health and Safety. Batteries last longer if they are discharged down to 10% every 2-3 months if plugged in on mains. As your battery is 0% it may just have died. Trickle charging any type of battery can sometimes kick it back in but this has to be done off the laptop using low voltage charge across the correct battery terminals only recommended if you know what your doing.