Dell XPS 14 vs. Samsung Series 7 Chronos


Sep 22, 2011
I'm just trying to get as many opinions as possible. I am looking for a mid range ultra-book that will be used primarily for a work computer with some mild gaming. Budget is 1000 dollars before taxes or shipping. I like the 14-15 in form factor, a solid sleek and professional build and would just like it to be able to play stuff like DotA 2 and CS:GO on relatively high settings. I am a chemistry graduate student so I will be doing data analysis and giving presentations regularly with the machine so i needs to have decent processing power. The 2 I have it narrowed down to are

where each have their own pro's and cons. The drives on both systems are mediocre but I am relatively tech savvy so changing it out wont be an issue. The connectivity on the Samsung worries me with the mini-VGA port. Finding a dongle doesn't seem to be the easiest thing where the XPS just has a mini-Displayport which is easy. The glossy screen on the XPS isn't ideal where the Samsung has a matte. The Samsung also has a DVD drive (if i would ever actually need one) as well as slightly better specs. Just any opinions or impressions for either would be extremely helpful. Thanks!
The chronos has a 5400 drive too. I actually own the chronos. Mine is the 15.6 touchscreen. I too wanted the xps. Glad I went with chronos. Battery rocks. Its ultra thin. Light and it games like a beast. I added an ssd and id never get a different laptop. :) I lobe my chronos
After actually looking at your links thats significantly different than mine. I have the radeon 8770 and 1tb drive. No dvd drive and its lighter.. guess my ownership doesntmatter in this case. Buttt id still go with the samsung