Desktop Microphone for longer distance?


Jan 9, 2015

I currently have a Blue Snowball Microphone but due to the way I have it placed on my desk, it doesn't pick my voice up that well. The microphone sits approximately 20 inches away from my mouth and is next to my computer monitor. Due to having an attic room and my computer table being placed in the corner of the room, I do not have any space to fit a microphone arm.

Could someone please suggest a microphone for about £120 that would be better at longer distances than the blue snowball.

Thanks in advance!
I suppose I could try a mic tripod I just don't know where I would put it. I don't really like the microphone in my peripheral vision I.E. below me and by my keyboard or hovering slightly to the left of me. I was also considering a modmic as the headphones I use are the Philips Fidelio X2 connected to the GSX1000 by sennhesiser. Are the modmics actually any good for some casual youtube and chatting with my friends?
quite honestly most microphones will be more faint at long distances. to counter you would need to adjust volume and gain but doing so will mean pickup of noises you dont want to hear.

shotgun style mics are better for picking up voices from further distances but have their own pitfalls.

there is a reason why most people who do any professional recording use a boom arm. you can certainly not use one but there are some side effects as well.

modmics are okay. while they are not as good as some desktop microphones for a small on-the-headphone mic they have decent audio quality worth the price. check out some youtube modmic recordings. the omni is a bit more sensitive but can pick up ambient noise a bit moreo while the uni picks up less but is a little less sensitive.

Your best bet is to use a video mic, such as the Rode VideoMic.
I went ahead and purchased the Blue Yeti, I've got the microphone positioned closer to my mouth than first estimated. The gain is set really quite low and the only noise that is picked up is my mouse and keyboard which is only faint anyway when gaming. It does pick up my PC in the background but when I have my PC in gaming mode all 7 fans are blowing full speed so that's to be expected xD