Difficulty in getting a Fire Stick to work


Dec 20, 2017
Difficulty in getting a Fire Stick to work on a 5+ year old Panasonic Plasma tv. Somehow, my cable set-top box input was deleted and now unable to get it restored.
Should not be a problem as the stick simply plugs into a free HDMI input on the TV (provided you have more than one) then connect the stick via WiFi. If you only have one HDMI input, and this is not working anymore, then you will need to purchase one of these to use with the composite input on the TV. https://www.amazon.com/Converter-Streaming-Chromecast-ChromecastUltra-Composite/dp/B01MQGHNAR/ref=pd_sbs_23_6?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01MQGHNAR&pd_rd_r=63176C4VTEK9A2ZMHMX5&pd_rd_w=gUtnl&pd_rd_wg=O0Gbp&psc=1&refRID=63176C4VTEK9A2ZMHMX5

See this video for a complete demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS8KOrVp_2E
Should not be a problem as the stick simply plugs into a free HDMI input on the TV (provided you have more than one) then connect the stick via WiFi. If you only have one HDMI input, and this is not working anymore, then you will need to purchase one of these to use with the composite input on the TV. https://www.amazon.com/Converter-Streaming-Chromecast-ChromecastUltra-Composite/dp/B01MQGHNAR/ref=pd_sbs_23_6?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01MQGHNAR&pd_rd_r=63176C4VTEK9A2ZMHMX5&pd_rd_w=gUtnl&pd_rd_wg=O0Gbp&psc=1&refRID=63176C4VTEK9A2ZMHMX5

See this video for a complete demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS8KOrVp_2E